Global Analysis from the European Perspective. Preparing for the world of tomorrow

Preparing for new trade wars

Donald Trump wants to increase tariffs on Chinese even by up to 60%, and Democrats will have no choice as to agree to at least some of protectionism planned by the Republicans, or else China will flood the market w its products to the detriment of American domestic industry. In recent years, Western companies and financiers have invested heavily in China only to withdraw from the country at present.


In the second quarter of 2024, 15 billion dollars were withdrawn from China. At the same time, exports from the Middle Kingdom are on the rise as companies increase their inventories of Chinese parts, components, etc. so as not to be so affected by potential trade wars. Put simply, we buy what we can from China, but we no longer invest there. This strategy is being pursued by many countries. As a result, freight costs are also rising. Below you will find transport costs from main ports in China (Containerised Freight Index – green line). The situation is similar to that after the end of the pandemic, when inflation began to rage.


Companies are filling their warehouses and politicians will have a tough nut to crack if inflation rises as a result of trade wars. Already, 59% of Americans believe their country is in recession, despite good economic data.

It is worth remembering that the development of the global economy has been due to free trade for several decades, with the focus on China. This process is now set to be halted and many Americans would even like to see it reversed. This will benefit many European or American companies, but unfortunately it will be at the expense of ordinary citizens, who will pay more for many products. This will fuel inflation and at the same time slow down the economy. Such a situation is known as stagflation. Stagflation is therefore a possible scenario as downside risks dominate the markets, including geopolitical tensions and trade fragmentation.


AU10TIX or how Israelis act

AU10TIX is an Israeli identity service that verifies people or companies on the Internet. For example, people who want to earn money on Twitter (X) have their identity checked and authenticated by AU10TIX. So far, so good, but there are two appalling facts about the Israeli company:

1. AU10TIX has close ties to Israeli intelligence. It was set up by members of the Israeli elite intelligence services Shin Bet and Unit 8200. Ton Atzomm, its CEO, was a member of Unit 8200 has been committed to the surveillance of Palestinians and has been utilizing the information gained in the process to politically persecute and divide them. Edo Soroka, the Vice President for Sales in Europe, the Middle East and Africa, previously worked for the Israeli startup AnyVision, which is accused of monitoring Palestinians in the occupied West Bank. Erez Hershkovitz had earlier been employed by the Israeli company Voyager Labs, which was sued by Meta for using dozens of fake Facebook accounts to collect data from more than half a million users.

2. AU10TIX suffered a serious security breach that exposed the personal data of millions of its users. Customers that fell victim to the June 2024 scandal include some of the world’s most renowned companies, such as X, TikTok, LinkedIn, Coinbase, eToro, PayPal, Fiverr, Upwork, Bumble, and Uber. Names, dates of birth, nationalities and images of identification documents such as driver’s licenses and passports, facial scans and authentication metrics for documents and photos were disclosed. It was a massive security breach with unforeseeable long-term consequences. The exposed data could be used by cybercriminals for various illegal purposes such as identity theft, financial fraud or even blackmail.

Several questions could be brought up:

1. How does all that square with the U.S.-Israeli friendship and alliance?

2. Why does the Israeli intelligence agency want to collect – manage – control the data of millions of Americans?

3. Why do the US services do not hinder such deep intrusions into the security of US citizens?


Each Western European state is socially divided into three castes: the indigenous white population, foreign settlers, and the political class.

The indigenous white population is ethnically monolithic: Germany is the country of the Germans, France is the country of the French, England is the country of the English, Sweden is the country of Swedes, Italy is the country of the Italians, and so on, and so forth. Occasional admixtures of other ethnicities are (i) insignificant, and (ii) culturally almost identical in that they are (post-)Christian, white, European. Such ethnicities have merged over centuries making up a quasi new nations of the British, who combine the people of England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland, or of Spaniards with their Catalan subgroup and so on.

The settlers by the mass media misleadingly referred to as migrants rather than (which would be far more appropriate) immigrants are increasing in numbers but are by no means a monolithic group. The settlers come from a huge variety of ethnicities, creeds and cultures and as a rule they create enclaves or ghettos or no-go zones or mini states within the state. They barely integrate or assimilate, but they are a privileged section of any Western society in that the authorities, the police, all social services back them, support them, protect them against the anger of the indigenous inhabitants.

The political class is globalist, supranational and as such intensely hostile towards its own ethnicity. In each Western country it suppresses the white – as yet – numerically dominant majority and elevates the many minorities. The political class is deracinated and denounces any real connection with the national base that it once rose from. The political class has no feeling of national or religious attachment or belongingness to the indigenous nations it governs: they don’t think in terms of the interests of Great Britain or France or Germany or Italy. They only think in terms of their own well-being.

Thus the old Marxian division into the exploiters and the exploited (or the haves and the have-nots) has been supplanted by the division into the underprivileged indigenous and the privileged incomers. These two can be and are skilfully pitted against each other by the political class. Consequently, these two keep each other at bay and let the political class remain the political class.

That the settlers are privileged goes without saying. They cannot be criticised by the white majority. Any member of the majority who dares to do so is immediately accused of being racist, which is the most heinous of crimes after antisemitism. Selected settlers are promoted to the highest positions in the state and the administration. The white majority encounters their faces in huge numbers in the mass media, the entertainment, the sports and advertisement. The racially foreign settlers are cast in historical roles of the heroes of the past of the white nations. History, by the way, is being re-written to drum it into the heads of the indigenous people that they have always been societies with diverse ethnicities. Judging by the over-representation of the settlers in culture and politics, once can get the impression that France or the United Kingdom are not majority white countries.

In ancient Rome it was much the same. Having conquered most of the territory around the Mediterranean, the Empire began to suck in foreigners who, at first, did simple jobs, with time, however, began to occupy ever higher positions. The United Kingdom, France, Belgium and the Netherlands have, too, had their overseas empires. It turns out they all have trodden the some political and historical path that the Roman Empire once did. At first the Western powers imposed their will on the far-off lands, and later they accepted the foreigners on their own European soil, enabling them gradually to hold ever more important positions of power.

Apart from playing the settlers off against the indigenous populations, the political class keeps them both occupied with (i) ecology, (ii) sexual perversity, (iii) and war on Russia, China and some other smaller “rogue” states. An average citizen of Germany or France, of Italy or Great Britain – if he takes interest in anything beyond his strictly personal business – is encouraged to join the crusade in the defence of the climate, propagate the use of the many proper personal pronouns for the many genders, and regularly take part in two-minutes-of-hate sessions aimed at the various dictators that tread the surface of the Mother Earth.

The political class promises a bright future for everyone who is complicit in the ecological, social and political project. Since an average citizen of any Western country knows next to nothing about history, economy, the finances and biology, he easily falls prey to the promises of a bright future. People have always fallen victims to such promises. Always. In a sense, therefore, the political class can rest assured that nothing threatens its position. And yet, if they only dug back into the past, they would recognize that the fate of ancient Rome is their fate. But then, I suppose, they still wouldn’t care so long as they can preserve their power and wealth. The Roman aristocracy accepted some members of the barbarian invaders among its ranks and continued to play the role of the aristocracy, even though their consecutive generations gradually stopped speaking Latin and stepwise began to speak Italian, French, Spanish, later German and English. Yet, they couldn’t care less so long as they had their castles and thousands of serfs. Latin was upheld as the language of religion, politics and academia, and so will English for a time.

Consider. Rishi Sunak’s grandparents lived in India, his parents lived in Africa, he was for a time the United Kingdom’s Prime Minister; Kamala Harris is an American of Jamaican and Indian origin. If white British or American members of the ruling class are deracinated to such a huge extent as they are, how much more are people whose immediate ancestry is so much foreign?

The Rat-Catcher of Hamlin

It was the 8th Congress of the Socialist Unity Party of (East) Germany (Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschland) or SED held in East Berlin, May 1981. All other socialist parties had sent their delegations. Mikhail Suslov, a high-ranking apparatchik, represented the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU). During the congress he delivered an almost half-an-hour speech. The speech was the usual clap-trap of socialism winning everywhere in the world and capitalism losing it. Comrade Suslov, otherwise the main ideologue of the CPSU, also assured the East German comrades of Moscow’s support and friendship, of the Kremlin’s admiration for the achievements of East German communists, and the like. At that time such speeches were delivered by the hundreds by socialist or communist party leaders in all socialist countries, occasioned by party congresses or national holidays or anniversaries of the Great October Socialist Revolution or May Day (Labour Day) festivities.

The year was 1981. Comrade Suslov would be dead in a year’s time. Erich Honecker, leader of the SED, would be overthrown in eight years; in ten years there will be a Soviet Union no more. Listening to Mikhail Suslov’s words, Comrade Honecker, who applauded the Soviet dignitary now and again as did the delegates to the congress, looked self-satisfied and as snug as a bug in a rug. It would not have occurred to him that before the decade was out the German Democratic Republic would also have run its historical course and been incorporated by its western, capitalist neighbour, the Federal Republic of Germany. It would not have crossed his mind that in eight years’ time he would be expelled from his country, look for asylum in Russia, now a post-soviet federal republic, and be denied a longer stay there. He would not have thought that he would spend his last few years in Chile of all the places, where he would eventually go at the invitation of his son-in-law. It would not have occurred to him that he would be so much loathed by East Germans; similarly, it would not have crossed his mind that before leaving for Russia he would be given a few weeks’ hospitality and protected against the anger of the people who he had ruled over by a Christian priest. Erich Honecker may have visualized any kind of future but this. He may have feared a palace coup: it was normal political practice in socialist countries, and this was how he himself had come to power. He may have pictured to himself a world war, a conflict between the Western and the Eastern blocs, hostilities between NATO and the Warsaw Pact. Surely he did not think his cherished German Democratic Republic would disappear overnight, and surely he must have been certain that the Soviet Union, the superpower armed with nukes and constantly having a crew on the Earth’s orbit would continue to exist in the foreseeable future. Erich Honecker must have been dead certain about the continuation of the Eastern political bloc so much so that the delegates gathered in the Palace of the Republic (Palast der Republik) where the congress was held were enthusiastic and hope-inspiring.

Present-day politicians and enthusiasts of today’s ideologies had better look into the past and ponder. They had better watch old documentaries and read old newspapers. They had better put themselves in the shoes of those people and then they had better draw inferences. Yes, today’s political establishment will also run its course despite the many assurances that we are on the path to a bright future. Yes, today’s top politicians will one of these days run for their life and maybe find protection in the Philippines or Argentina. Yes, today’s political cheerleaders will tomorrow loathe the men and the women they are serving hand and foot at present. Yes, today’s ideologues will see the miserable and inevitable death of their ideologies. Some of them will see it from the netherworld.

And you know what? New ideologies and new ideologues will emerge to seduce the people and the people will follow another incarnation of the Rat-Catcher of Hamelin (der Rattenfänger von Hameln). Some out of conviction, some out of convenience. Few will resist. Very few will bother to learn something from the past. 

Musket Wars

Prior to being taken over by the Europeans, mainly the subjects of the British Crown, New Zealand was inhabited by Māori, a conglomerate of a number of tribes who had settled the two islands in the 14th century. Just as it was common in the Americas among Indians, the tribes waged wars for territory and resources and slaves and supremacy. The way of all flesh, everywhere and always on the planet Earth. Due to the primitive forms of weaponry, the hostilities were not very much devastating. When, however, white settlers began to trade muskets for the goods that the Māori could offer, those muskets became a game changer: the tribe with a larger number of muskets had a significant military edge and felt encouraged to wage war with other tribes, hoping for a swift and easy victory. Wars were also waged because of the past wrongs suffered at the hands of a neighbouring tribe. Vengeance was also a driving force. And yes, those tribes which were equipped with muskets gained the upper hand in the battlefield. The vanquished, however, would soon learn their lesson and purchase muskets from the Whites, thus tipping the scales in their favour. The mutually devastating wars lasted for almost half a century, roughly between 1806 (in 1805 Napoleon won the Battle of Austerlitz) and 1845 (in 1842 the first Opium War ended). Thousands of Māori men and women died in those hostilities, while whole tribes were decimated. The winning party would enslave the beaten tribe and work the slaves to death so as to have new produce to trade with the British settlers and buy more muskets and wage more wars. The beaten party, too, would do anything in its power to sell whatever they had to the Whites – including land – in order to acquire the firearms, resist the aggressors and – naturally – take revenge. A never ending story. While the Māori tribes would mutually annihilate themselves, the European settlers would enrich themselves and get rid of some of the indigenous population in the process. To put it differently, the Māori simply made room for the British colonizers while reducing their own numbers in the ceaseless feuds. Just one of the many historical examples of one party setting the other two or more parties off against each other and enriching itself in the process. One of the many historical examples of ethnically related nations, states, tribes letting themselves be used against their ethnic cousins by total biological and cultural strangers.

Nothing has changed since then. True, we do not encounter culturally backward tribes as we did in that time, but we do encounter nations and ethnicities whose development is not very much advanced and who let themselves be easily pitted against their ethnic cousins. Recently we could observe the same phenomena in the former Yugoslavia and in the former Soviet Union. Thus Croats were set off against Serbs, whereas Ukrainians – against Russians. Just as Māori received weaponry and other equipment from the West so are Ukrainians receiving it; just as Māori traded most they had for the weapons and equipment, so are Ukrainians selling their land and running up enormous debt; just as Māori were hellbent on killing other Māori to please the third party so is one Slavic nation hellbent on killing another Slavic nation to please a third party. The similarity is striking. The same might be said about Croats and Serbs, and, indeed, about tens and hundreds of conflicts worldwide. It turns out that there are nations with a huge inferiority complex that let themselves be politically and militarily exploited just like American Indians or new Zealand Māori tribes. There are nations – present-day Indians or Māori – that are willing to act as gladiators: they are willing to please the managers of the world by killing their neighbours and cousins so as to get a pat on the shoulder and so as to prolong their own life for a couple of months or years. There is no shortage of nations and ethnicities that are willing to buy muskets, to sell whatever they have, and to wage wars on their neighbours, simultaneously bending backwards to those who provide them with the muskets (Abrams, Challengers, F-16s, satellite intel) and collect from them their resources and grab their territory.

Beauty and the Beast

DEI – the latest article of faith of the Western world – stands for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, does it not? On the face of it, yes. On second thoughts it translates into: Descent Entering Inferno. The 2024 Olympic Games that are being held in France have more for us in store than the macabre opening or the rainbow-refugee-ecology all-pervasive propaganda. The latest event that is reverberating in the internet and the media is a boxer fight during which a male-turned-female reported a victory over a female-remaining-female. The details are commonly known and repeated here and there, so we are not going to replicate them. Rather, we are going to call the reader’s attention to the rot that is incapacitating the Western civilization.

The clap-trap of “no nation, no religion, no possession” – as the lyrics of a notorious song say – has been enriched with the clap-trap of “no biological sex”. The idea may have begun with the feminist movement whose representatives cursed their fate of being born women and whose representatives wanted to emulate men in everything and anything. The very idea of women punching themselves like men sometimes do says it all. Then the sick idea that “you are not born a woman, you become one” emerged and was followed by the assault on the biological sex. Medical mutilations misleadingly referred to as sex or gender reassignment have been propagated and infused into the minds of millions of people ac acceptable and progressive. Liberasts and tolerasts of all hues chipped in their sick ideas of total liberalism and tolerance with the result being that one can now say that one is a man or a woman irrespective of the evidence of the senses (and the common sense) and – mind you! – change the sex as many times as he – she – it – pleases.

Modern re-enactment of Beauty and the Beast

If so, then why not set a man against a woman in a boxing fight and make everybody view the man as a woman? Don’t you dare voice your objection or else! Or else you’ll be called a bigot and – necessarily – far right! Such a fight is after all the new normal. Haven’t we been accustomed by the Hollywood in the hundreds of movies in which female characters can successfully physically cope with male characters and even beat men up? Are we not being accustomed to the idea of female soldiers who can and ought to kill the enemy just like their male counterparts? There are no differences between biological sexes as there are no differences between biological races, right? If your senses (and your common sense) tell you a different story, then consult your doctor because obviously you need a therapy.

And you know what? Those bellicose female feminists barely protest when they see a woman confronted with a man who goes by the name of a woman! No wonder, then. They have been caught in their own trap. Males and females do not really differ, and if in some cases they do, then of course only in the sense that women are better than men. If so, surely you expect a woman to be capable of physically standing up to a man and overwhelming him, don’t you? Your default Hollywood image of a slim woman (I suppose most of my readers will have watched “G.I. Jane” or a similar motion picture) doing it better than any man, the image that has been planted into your psyche along with the many texts that you have read and absorbed, along with the “wisdom” of the talking heads that you have let sink in in your mind while consuming the mass media confirm this conviction: a woman is as good as a man, both intellectually and physically.

If you’re still in doubt then recall the latest question of our times, which is: what is a woman? Educated people in the West have big trouble defining a woman. You will have known by now that a woman can have a penis, while a man can breast-feed a baby. Anything goes. The brains of the Western man and the Western woman have been confused to such an extent that even the female victims of this madness barely protest.

Do you know what is the worst part of the whole craziness? No, not the fact that the evil-doers behind it will progress with their DEI (sure, they will); no, not the fact that Westerners have either embraced this madness wholeheartedly or sheepishly fear to object; the worst part of it all is that the evil-doers (and their active and passive supporters) think that the rest of the globe will follow suit, and that the rest of the globe is envious of what the liberasts and tolerasts have managed to achieve and enforce, for the liberasts and tolerasts genuinely think they have advanced the humankind by an eon!

Inclusion – Exclusion

The hubris of the Olympic Games Paris 2024 just boggles your mind. Why? Because the ideology of inclusion has been somehow married to the ideology of exclusion. On the one hand the International Olympic Committee (IOC) has created and is sponsoring the Refugee Olympic Team made up of 37 athletes (inclusion), on the other hand the same IOC banned Russian and Belorussian sportsmen and sportswomen from taking part (exclusion). To be precise, they can take part as non-Russians and non-Belorussians, with their national anthems and flags prevented from being heard or seen. The few who agreed to participate in the Games have had insult added to injury: they were banned from being present at the opening ceremony. Why?

The Olympic Games Paris 2024 is just yet another instrument in the hands of the West with which to bully disobedient nations and to throw the West’s weight about. It is also a vector for the promotion of the West’s propaganda to the tune of “welcome refugees”. The Olympic Games have long been politicized and weaponized. Still, the current hubris is glaring. The managers of the world know only two principles of governance: the carrot and the stick. All nations are looked upon like they were children. If a child behaves well, he receives a lollipop and is allowed to have fun in the playground; if a child misbehaves, he does not receive a lollipop and is not allowed to have fun in the playground. It is as simple as that.

An aside. Both Vladimir Putin and Alexandr Lukashenko are said to be dictators. For all that, there are some Russian and Belorussian athletes who swallowing their national pride decided to take part in the Olympic Games. Remind me, please, was there ONE sportsman from the USSR taking part in the 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Games when the Soviets decided to boycott the event? Not one? Hm… and still at that time no one dared call Leonid Brezhnev, the then leader of the Soviet Union, a dictator.

The West’s ideologues are adept at reconciling mutually exclusive things. White people are racist and still millions of people of colour keep flocking to white countries to taste the racism at the hands of the white people. Weird, is it not? No religion should be above mockery, criticism and ridicule, and still it is only and exclusively Christianity that is mocked, criticized and ridiculed. A black woman representing France and singing the Marseillaise is all right, but a white woman representing, say, Congo or Kenya, would be equated with the appropriation of these countries’ culture. The world is overpopulated, but somehow Europe is not, because it can – and, indeed, should – absorb millions and millions of immigrants. A Hindu or black leader of a white nation is a mark of progressive blindness to the colour of the skin, but a white leader or – still worse – leaders of South Africa or Nigeria would be renounced as a revival of colonialism and white supremacy. Women have been liberated from the dominance of men, and yet men-turned-women are allowed to compete in female sports events and… naturally dominate female competitors. Inclusion transmutes into exclusion while exclusion morphs into inclusion.

The opening ceremony – this adoration of the ugly, the disgusting, the distasteful – with a beheaded Marie Antoinette speaking to the audience was also part of this inclusiveness-cum-exclusiveness. The Left just love subversiveness and ugliness and deconstruction. Was it not in the name of fraternity that thousands were guillotined during the French Revolution? Was it not in the name of equality that churches and graves were desecrated? Was it not in the name of liberty that dissenters were silenced for ever? Yet, there is some logic in all this. Once you exclude those who do not fit your vision of society, you are left with those who can be perfectly included. Isn’t it a fine Hegelian dialectic of a negative transforming itself into something positive? Isn’t it a fine Marxian dialectic of a reductionist exclusion resulting in an all-encompassing inclusion? There is a method in this madness!

The Last Supper was followed by the Way of the Cross

France, you, the eldest daughter of the Church; France, you, the self-loathing revolutionary evil spirit; you have just invoked what you pretend not to believe in; you have thrown down the gauntlet and you will have it taken up. Yes, you passionately believe in what you reject, in what you mock, or else you would not bother yourself with the rejection, with the mockery in the first place. One does not combat Santa Clause because one does not believe in his existence. One combats what one believes exists. The more passionate the combat is, the stronger the evidence it provides that the combatant is an ardent believer. France, you have made a statement. Now just wait and see.

The whole of the internet has been reverberating with the images from the opening of the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris. Viewers were disgusted enormously. The so-called drag queens and body-positive people (read: so obese as to be deformed) now performing something nobody knows what, now passing the torch, now exposing their ugly attire; an image of a beheaded Marie Antoinette compounded by a quasi-woman with a profuse beard; and then the “frosting” on the cake: a scene made up of transvestites mocking the Last Supper, mocking Jesus Christ and his apostles.

Make no bones about it. All this was done on purpose. Perhaps the organizers did not expect such a vehement reaction, but they certainly planned it for months and wanted to insult Christians and Christianity. Which is nothing new, nothing that really surprises us. The West is degenerate and has long renounced its identity. Instead, the Western elites have begun to worship nature (return to paganism) and people of colour along with individuals with abnormal sexual drives. That’s all there is to it. The Western civilization is in its final stadium, in its death throes. Nothing, let us say it again, nothing can revert the process. It’s a slippery slope downwards. The event we are talking about is in its satanic spirit neither the first one nor is it going to be the last one. Recall:

the opening ceremonies of the 2012 London Olympic Games;

the opening of the St Gottard Tunnel;

the latest (and a few previous) Eurovision Song Contest;

the Indian enchantress in Davos breathing pagan spirits straight into the heads of some of the top leaders of the West;

the acts of worship of Pachamama in the Vatican Gardens and in St Peter’s Basilica;

the toppling of monuments to historical figures across the whole of the West;

genuflecting to blacks especially in the United States, but also elsewhere after the death of the black criminal George Floyd (who was swiftly beatified and canonized, with no advocatus diaboli present in the process);

the myriads of no-go zones;

the many absurd sentences issued by the courts of law according to which rape victims received more severe punishment than rape perpetrators for calling the perpetrators names;

Transgender Day of Visibility (a national holiday in the United States, signed by a nominally Catholic president);

public worship practised by Muslims in European cities;

local and national authorities being vested in the hands of non-Europeans and non-Christians;

invocation of a Sikh deity at US republican election rallies;

mushrooming of the so-called temples or churches of Satan, especially in the United States;

the spread of witches and their practices;

total inactivity and passiveness of the Pope, who in the face of all and any of these and other blasphemies remains silent (complicit?);

organized importation of the Third World people to Europe and North America made possible by migration pacts and many non-government organizations…

The reader may prolong the list.

All these are signs of the West’s ineluctable agony. You say that West is still dominant in the world? You object to this diagnosis, saying the whole globe envies the West its affluence and its civic freedoms?

Leonardo da Vinci’s Last Supper reenacted by sexual perverts with slinky movements.

Have you ever seen a dying bird due to disease? If you have, you will know what I mean. If you haven’t, read on. A dying bird spreads out its wings magnificently during the very last seconds of its life and raises its head. Watching, you get the impression that it is going to take wing, that it is going to leave the ground and fly away, and make a circle or two above. The illusion lasts but a few, maybe several seconds. Then you notice the bird’s wings shrinking, its head drooping and in the very last moment you can swear you can see the bird’s spirit – anima – soul leaving the body. The body drops flat and remains still, motionless, inactive with all its oh so attractive plumage that continues to grab your attention. If you wanted to, you could pick the lying body up and ruffle through the bird’s feathers. In so doing, you would still feel the bird’s warmth, the warmth of its body. And if you could – on the spot – dissect it, you would see all the internal organs as if in a frozen frame: they all look all right to the eye and yet they have stopped functioning. All the mechanisms of collaboration between the heart and the lungs, the intestines and the liver, the stomach and the spleen, the brain and the nerves – all this seems to be intact, resplendent, even awe-inspiring if you compare the body’s intricacies with those of any man-made device, and still, and yet, and despite this all this magnificent little wonder will move no more. This magnificent little wonder has just begun to decay – to putrefy – to decompose. Left on its own, in nature, this little wonder is going to become sustenance for relatively big, for relatively small, for relatively tiny, for relatively teeny-weeny and invisible organisms which will eat it away and transform and transubstantiate each part of the little corpse into energy or into new biological cells for other organism.

Such is also the fate of civilizations. Before they die, they still look resplendent, and they still can pull off a show or two. They can spread their wings for the last time and raise their head. Then, however, they curl to a smaller size, they implode, they stop functioning, they slowly lose their warmth and begin to feed other civilizations. Indeed, the West has already begun – willingly! – to nourish other civilizations. The West nourishes them verbatim by settling the representatives of the numerous peoples of the globe and by clothing and feeding them; the West is nourishing other civilizations by providing them with anti-Western ideology, by teaching them how to despise the West and view the white man as the cause of all evil, which includes but is not limited to, slavery, racism and the destruction of the environment, all in planetary magnitudes. The West is this dying bird, with other beasts already parasitizing on it or waiting impatiently for the feast.

We have asked the reader the question if he has watched a dying bird. Now we are going to ask the question if he has seen a bird that fell prey to predators, if he has seen a bird dying in excruciating pain and torment, being torn apart by beasts of prey because that’s what’s in store for the West. It is not going to die peacefully, in sleep, so to say. It is going to die – indeed already is dying – a painful death, being torn apart by the beaks, by the talons, by the claws, by the fangs of the many peoples that are either already in the West’s nest/home or are on their way to it. It is also going to die – indeed is dying – from its cancerous tissues, cancerous tissues that are metastasizing. All in all, the West’s is going to be a painful and humiliating death.

The performers who mocked the Last Supper in Paris visualized just the very first stage of the process that they all are doomed to undergo, to taste, to eat and drink – to the full. Since they selected the Last Supper to mock, we might assume they know at least in outline the whole Gospel story accompanying it. If they don’t, then let them read this piece. The Last Supper was followed by Gehenna: an excruciating psychological torment of a man knowing full well that he is going to die from pain and torture; knowing full well that there is no way out. Gehenna in turn is followed by total isolation and the beginning of psychological and physical torment, one element of which is that the victim has a crown of thorns placed on his head. Yes, non-Western predators – invaders – you name them – are going to mock the West as they are, in fact, already bold enough to do it at present. Scourges, mock trial, insults will all be dealt prior to the way of the cross that the West will be forced to go, with all attendant anguish, distress, duress; with all attendant abasement, slaps in the face, disesteem and odium; with all attendant disrespect, jeering, taunting, vilification. Then the end will come: the West will be nailed to the symbol of its civilization, to the millennia-old sign that has been spoken against, and then the West will give up its spirit…

…with this difference to the Gospel story that the West will not rise from the dead. Ever. 

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