Global Analysis from the European Perspective. Preparing for the world of tomorrow

Ursula von der Leyen’s evangelism

On March 21st, President of the European Commission (read prime minister of the European Superstate Government) Ursula von der Leyen saw it fit to impress on Europeans – in a patronising, chaperon-like manner – the ugliness of racism that some of them display and indulge in. In a tweet, she is recorded to say that racism is ubiquitous, pervading our streets, and our workplaces and also penetrating institutions, which is the reason why the European Commission (government) has adopted the first ever EU Anti-Racist Action Plan. An ardent apostle of diversity, Ursula von der Leyen said that the Commission members were inspired upon seeing many Europeans taking to the street and shouting the slogan Black Lives Matter. She expressed her pride at the EU organizing the first ever European Anti-Racism Summit on 21st March and then went on to engage in threats aimed at racists all cross the Union, levelling at them (existing and not yet existing) criminal law provisions because – she explained as if in anticipation of possible accusations – racism could not be subsumed under the concept of free speech in – “our” as she put it – union. Who does she mean by our? Never mind. These anti-racist measures – continued the head of the EU – must be adopted by all the provinces (commonly referred to as member-states) because anti-racism is a founding principle of – again – our union, which is a red threat (obviously she meant thread) running through seventy years of history. Then, on a positive note (a piece of carrot after the stick) she waxed lyrical recalling the late eighties when eighty thousand young people had been asked to come up with a motto for “our” union and – surprise, surprise – they had chosen “Unity and Diversity”, surely without anybody prompting them to do so. At this point, Ursula von der Leyen spread her arms out, approvingly, as if she wanted to embrace the European Red Guards and she lavished praise on the politically savvy young people. What they had done was perfect, she said, what they had chosen reflected – as she put it – raison d’etre of the Union and its greatest aspiration: the Union’s starting point and the Union’s destination. Amen.

This is just one of the very many measures that the EU ruling class has taken to mould Europeans and make them fit the diverse society of the future that has been conceived in the heads of the apostles of unity in diversity or diversity in unity, choose the intended meaning. The same gospel has been preached in the New World. Having abandoned Christianity, the ruling classes have embraced a three-headed religion of (i) climate/environment worship, (ii) gender mainstreaming and (iii) racial diversity. As for (iii), Europe, the continent of the white man, is being systematically subjected to the experiment of having an increasingly large number of non-Europeans within its borders. This policy is called resettlement and it is officially advocated by the United Nations, the United States and the European Union. In this scheme non-whites are invariably regarded as an exploited underclass. The exploitation is ingrained in allegedly unfounded prejudices. To combat these unfavourable phenomena, the European Union is availing itself of all sorts of measures. It has established the Agency for Fundamental Rights, issued the Racial Equality Directive coupled with the Victims’ Rights Directive, not to mention the Audiovisual Media Services Directive and enacted many other initiatives. All this is aimed at monitoring, surveying, reporting, policing, and penalizing racism, and at the same time imparting, teaching, imposing anti-racist beliefs, attitudes and policies. All the said and similar documents are necessarily hellbent on combating xenophobia and discrimination against – and then the usual string of words follows, repeated in every other paragraph – race, gender, belief, sexual orientation, disability, age and the like. On and on. You have the idea. In every section of each of those documents. Because racism is evil and because surveys conducted now and again show that respondents feel discriminated against, experience racist harassment, and are worried about being verbally or physically attacked. Let it sink in: respondents feel, experience and are worried, which is proof enough that they are targets of serious assaults and ought to be protected. Which also explains why they have come to settle in Europe in the first place. To feel, experience and be worried about being discriminated against.

Racism, as it is stated, is a phenomenon based on stereotypes and cultural norms, read: it is unfounded. It can be conscious or subconscious (Freudianism!); it can be – surprise, surprise – systemic or individual. To fight it, the European Union ruling class proposes to re-educate Europeans – the unruly children entrusted to their care – and induce in them guilt for colonialism and – yes! yes! you guessed it right! – slavery. To this end the European Parliament has proposed the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery. Generally, history is to be exploited as the area of raising awareness of the guilt of the white man and the merits of the non-white man. National action plans and diversity charters are to be adopted to track racism and to rectify wrongs perpetrated against non-white immigrants.

It’s by no means the end. Apart from people’s democracy, representative democracy, constitutional democracy, Europe is developing another type of this best of all political systems: inclusive democracy, a democracy where all types of minorities must be represented proportionally, the way they are in the present Canadian government or the current American administration.

Europeans are denied the right to want to live among their kith and kin. To live among themselves is not an option. They are forced to accept non-Europeans at school and at work, watching films or sports. If some of them do not like it, they are going to be reeducated and if they prove to be recalcitrant – punished. Europeans have no right to decide who they want to share their territory with. The ruling class – people who know better – has decided it for them. Europeans must embrace racial diversity or else be burnt at the stake and condemned to hell.

More on the subject of racism and anti-racism in the latest Gefira.

Selected literature:
EU Anti-racism Action Plan 2020-2025.
European Anti-Racism Summit.
Ursula von der Leyen, Tweet.

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