Brexit: Germany Gains Power From Merkel’s Disastrous Policy

As we predicted, Cameron resigns after the British have cast “a leave vote” but Germany’s Chancellor Merkel is to blame for the disastrous result of the referendum.

Last year she mishandled three problems:


  1. In 2015, under Angela Merkel’s leadership, the problems in Greece span out of control and Yanis Varoufakis, the finance minister of Greece, was able to jeopardize the whole euro project;

  2. When in 2015 millions of refugees were heading for Europe, it was Angela Merkel that single-handedly, without consulting her political counterparts in Warsaw, London or Rome, decided how Europe had to deal with it ;
  3. Chancellor Merkel held talks with Erdoğan: Turkey was being considered as a member-state of the European Union, which lacked any support in Europe whatsoever .

No wonder the British voters came to doubt the democratic legitimacy of Brussels as they saw Berlin mishandle the European project. Continue reading

Brexit: Market Sell-Off Is Irrational!

Markets tumble amid global selloff now British decide to choose for a Brexit.  ECB announced it would pledge to backstop. The economy in the UK is far from healthy but, that said, our team sees no reason for fundamental changes now the UK decides to leave the European Union. George Soros warned, “If Britain leaves, it could unleash a general exodus, and the disintegration of the European Union will become practically unavoidable.” Leaving the EU is a completely different story to leaving the Eurozone. For signs of Eurozone disintegration it is better to have a close look at events in France. Now a Brexit happens there is panic and this is an opportunities to earn some easy money. Soros’ remark makes us think about the legend of Nathan Rothschild after the British won the battle of Waterloo: “But this was Nathan Rothschild. He leaned against “his” pillar. He did not invest. He sold. He dumped consols.(British government bonds) […] Consols dropped still more. “Rothschild knows,” the whisper rippled through the Change. “Waterloo is lost.” Nathan kept on selling, […] consols plummeted – until, a split second before it was too late, Nathan suddenly bought a giant parcel for a song. Moments afterwards the great news broke, to send consols soaring. We cannot guess the number of hopes and savings wiped out by this engineered panic.” The legend turned out not to be true, but it learns us a good lesson. Now there is a Brexit and markets are in panic, we expect Soros picks up the pieces for fire-sale prices.