Global Analysis from the European Perspective. Preparing for the world of tomorrow


The Italian people must understand that their country is at war

The conflict between the European Union and Italy is a full-blown financial war. Euro countries cannot print their own money and for that reason they cannot have an endless deficit. Countries within the eurozone have to live within their means or else, without the intervention of the ECB, they will go bankrupt. Nobody knows the consequences of an Italian default and debt restructuring, but it can lead to the end of the euro.

To make the euro sustainable, the European financial elites want the Italians to reduce their spending and turn a budget deficit into a budget surplus. However, due to the country’s shrinking population the Italian budget deficit — as we have argued many times – can only increase. The European commission rejects the Italian budget because Rome wants to increase its debt far beyond the limit allowed by the ECB. “This is the first Italian budget that the EU doesn’t like,” wrote Deputy Prime Minister Luigi Di Maio on Facebook. “No surprise: This is the first Italian budget written in Rome and not in Brussels!”Matteo Salvini added: “This (the rejection of the Italian budget plan by the EU) doesn’t change anything.”. “They’re not attacking a government but a people. These are things that will anger Italians even more,” he said.

The country has entered a demographic winterand sustainable economic growth is simply impossible, at least for the foreseeable future. As is the case with the whole of Europe, the Italy needs a plan to support an ageing and declining population. As if not aware of it, the Brussels-Frankfurt establishment only wants Italy to stick to their austerity program, i.e. decrease public spending and do away with the current Italian administration, which refuses to comply.

To force Prime Minister Luigi Di Maio and Matteo Salvini out of office, the European Union will go to any lengths to destroy the Italian banking sector the way they did it in Greece and Cyprus. In 2015 Greece shut down its banks, ordering them to stay closed for six days, and its central bank imposed restrictions to prevent money from fleeing out of the country. Continue reading

The European financial establishment has just declared war on Italy

This week in a CNBC interview Jeroen Dijsselbloem, the former Dutch minister of finance who served as the President of the Eurogroup, declared war on the Italian government. The European financial establishment is prepared to destroy the banking system and cause the Italian economy to implode. Like a Mafia boss, Dijsselbloem warned that Italy could run into trouble if it does not comply with Brussels’ directives. Of course, his statement was cloaked in diplomatic language:

“If the Italian crisis becomes a major crisis, it will mainly implode into the Italian economy … as opposed to spreading around Europe,” he said. “Because of the way that the Italian economy and the Italian banks are financed, it’s going to be an implosion rather than an explosion.”

For a man of this format it is unusual to publicly expose Italy as a state in a weak negotiating position or try to act as a scaremonger. We have never seen anything remotely like that, so we think that the utterance could only serve the purpose of giving the green light to the financial markets to orchestrate an attack on Italian bonds so as to drive Italian yield up.

“And there is gonna be a role for the markets, I mean if you look at what Italy needs in funding next year alone – we are talking of over 250 billion euros – refinancing part of the stock of their debt and also, of course, these new spending plans. So markets will really have to look at that very critically.”

Italy’s situation is ‘pretty worrisome’: Dijsselbloem from CNBC.

He reminded the Italian government that Italian banks are a sitting target for the European financial authorities. In order to destabilize a country’s economy, one must break its backbone i.e. banks.

“There will also have to be a role for the banking authority, banking supervisor to look what this does to the Italian banks. We have already seen their stock valuation going down” Mr Dijsselbloem said with a smile. Continue reading

How George Soros is meddling in the Italian elections

A few weeks ago, the United Kingdom woke up to the realization that its democratic process is vulnerable to the attacks by a foreign plutocrat seeking to overturn the result of the popular vote of British citizens via a second referendum on the European Union membership, or in case that was not possible, to overthrow government after government until the Hungarian-American oligarch got his way.

George Soros, replied by penning an article for the Daily Mail, in which he motivated his actions by “his love for Britain”, which somehow did not stop him from attacking the Bank of England in 1992, which cost British taxpayers billions. He simply knows better, and so demands the right to hijack the political process of a democratic country, despite not being a citizen, because he’s fighting against “mafia-states”. It speaks volumes about Soros’s concept of “Open Society” where he’d be free to run the political show of any country, in a borderless world, where any vote contrary to his would be made null and void. Continue reading

Why Stratfor is wrong on its Italian election analysis

Stratfor recently published a piece covering the imminent Italian elections and presenting its conclusions on the topic. The article, however, wrongfully presents a number of issues, which may lead prospective investors astray.

In the first paragraph introducing the populist candidates and parties running for the Italian parliament, the author, an alleged expert according to his own profile on anti-establishment movements states: “The right-wing Northern League, for example, has (…) proposed a referendum on Italy’s membership in the eurozone”. This isn’t true. The Northern League wants to leave the euro without going through the referendum because it thinks Italy would get battered during the political campaign over it. It was just a month ago when the party’s candidate for the position of Prime Minister, Matteo Salvini, called the referendum idea stupid.It is not the Northern League but the other “populist” movement, Movimento 5 Stelle, which opts for a referendum.

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George Soros secretly rushes to Italy as NGOs activity in the Mediterranean now face political and judicial scrutiny

In the past few weeks, the transport of migrants from the African shores has become a case of national importance for Italy, and is now under investigation from the prosecutor of Catania, who recently testified to the Defence Committee of the Italian Senateand will meet soon with the Superior Council of the Magistrates.
Harsh criticism of the activities of the NGOs has come from opposition parties Forza Italia,Lega Nordand even Movimento 5 Stelle,normally more neutral on immigration issues, while Prime Minister Gentiloni has opted to let the judicial system run its course.
Yet, a new element will further exacerbate the situation; George Soros, a billionaire who is incredibly active politically on both sides of the Atlantic,met in secrecy with Prime Minister Gentiloni,less than a week after the latter had commented on the NGOs activities. The meeting was not listed on the website of the Italian government as official and its timing is at the very least suspicious.

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TARGET2; European Banking Crisis is Escalating Again

Problems of Deutsche Bank, Commerzbank, Monte dei Paschi and other German, Italian and Spanish banks are not the only concern of the European Banking System. Trouble is much deeper than it is thought because there is a systemic imbalance that has been increasing for almost ten years. Politicians do not want to tell us the truth, but soon we will experience the same crisis in the Monetary Union as we did in 2012.

The extent of the problems in the European Banking System is TARGET2 and its balances of the National Central Banks of the Eurosystem. These balances, or rather imbalances, reflect the direction of the capital flight. And there is only one way: from Southern Europe into Germany. After Mario Draghi’s famous words “I do whatever it takes to save the euro”, things seemed to improve; however, since January 2015 problems have been escalating again. Continue reading



“The risk of a war coming back – said the Northern League to the sole political party of the party in Milan – is not due to populism and nationalism, but to those who took the European dream hostage, and has sclerotized it into a bureaucracy represented by the European Commission, which is the denial of Europe “. A strong stance, which will probably provoke a tight debate. “I have heard Merkel before.What do you think is the great danger that the European continent runs in? In recent years one says immigration out of control, unemployment, poverty, Islamic terrorism, but no, it is populism and nationalism. So you get the balls – he added – We are not against Europe. Source Il Giornale

If Theresa May wanted proof she is running out of friends in Europe, she need only have ventured to the Roy d’Espagne brasserie in Brussels late last night. For while the Prime Minister dined alone after another summit mauling, Angela Merkel, Emmanuel Macron and the rest of their European chums were drinking the night away and enjoying the city’s famous beers. Source The Telegraph

French Leftist firebrand Jean-Luc Mélenchon has broken new ground on social media by broadcasting a police raid on his political headquarters from his mobile phone. A furious Mr Mélenchon, head of France Insoumise (France Unbowed), filmed as eight police officers searched the party headquarters early on Tuesday, which he slammed as an attempted “coup de force” against his party “to scare and intimidate us”. Source The Telegraph
