Poland may take Filipino workers: minister

oland, whose right-wing government opposes taking in migrants, may have to look to Filipino workers to cover a growing labor shortage hurting the economy, a senior official said Saturday. “We are on course to conclude an agreement. I hope that in the autumn we will be able to at least sign a preliminary accord” with the Philippine authorities, Deputy Labor Minister Stanislaw Szwed said according to a PAP news agency report. Source Emerging Europe

China says four US airlines have missed a deadline to change their naming of Taiwan

  • American, Delta, Hawaiian and United have changed how they refer to self-governed Taiwan on their websites to avoid Chinese penalties ahead of a Wednesday deadline.
  • However the Chinese Aviation authority says the changes are incomplete, although does not specify why.
  • China has previously asked that airlines in particular do not refer to Taiwan as a non-Chinese territory on their websites.

Source CNBC