Saudi Arabia halts oil shipments through key waterway after attack on tanker

Saudi Arabia is temporarily halting oil shipments through the Bab-el-Mandeb Strait, the country’s energy minister has said. It follows a Houthi attack on a Saudi oil tanker off Yemen’s western coast. The pause in shipments will last until the safety of shipments through the strait, which connects the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, is ensured, Khalid Al-Falih said in a statement. Source RT

Russian Oil Getting Ready for Biggest Tax Overhaul in 20 Years

Russia, one of the world’s top three crude producers, is preparing the most radical shakeup of its oil-tax system since 1999. The changes, which will allow the nation’s producers to export crude and oil products duty-free while raising their costs at the wellhead, is set to get the go-ahead from President Vladimir Putin by year-end, bringing in much-needed funds for a multibillion-dollar plan to revitalize the faltering economy. Source: Bloomberg

Iran reportedly threatens ‘countermeasures’ if US blocks its oil exports

  • Iran’s foreign ministry reportedly said it would implement countermeasures against the U.S. if it tries to block its oil exports
  • “If America wants to take a serious step in this direction it will definitely be met with a reaction and equal countermeasures from Iran,” Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi was quoted as saying
  • U.S. sanctions are soon to be reimposed on Iran

Source CNBC