Oil installations hit by protests in southern Iraq

On July 13, special forces from the counterterrorism unit arrived in Basra to protect the oil companies and oil fields in the province. Equipment from the oil fields has also been stolen in the ongoing protests, but demonstrators managed to arrest eight of the perpetrators on July 11, handing them over to the authorities in an exchange of confidence between the protesters and security forces. Source Al Monitor

Saudi Arabia Pledges to Invest $10 Billion in South Africa

Saudi Arabia intends to invest as much as $10 billion in South Africa’s economy, with a focus on energy. The commitment was made during a state visit by South African President Cyril Ramaphosa to the Middle Eastern nation, his spokeswoman Khusela Diko said by phone on Thursday. Officials from Saudi Arabia will take part in an investment summit in October in South Africa when they are expected to give more detail about the planned spending, she said.Source: Bloomberg