Russia’s budget deficit to fall almost by half in 2018 — PM Medvedev

Russia’s Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said the country’s budget deficit will total around 1.5 trillion rubles ($25.4 bln) next year. He said that “revenues are planned at 14.7 trillion rubles ($249 bln), expenditures – at 16.2 trillion rubles ($274 bln), and deficit – at around 1.5 trillion rubles.” According to Medvedev, “the Finance Ministry needs to continue efforts aimed at reducing budget deficit,” as “last year’s budget deficit was 3 trillion rubles.” Source TASS

Fed gives big U.S. banks a green light for buyback, dividend plans

The Federal Reserve has approved plans from the 34 largest U.S. banks to use extra capital for stock buybacks, dividends and other purposes beyond being a cushion against catastrophe. Fed Governor Jerome Powell, said the process “has motivated all of the largest banks to achieve healthy capital levels and most to substantially improve their capital planning processes.”  Source Reuters