Greek: IMF sees debt soaring over 200 percent

The International Monetary Fund estimates that years of efforts to contain Greece’s national debt will go to waste due to the coronavirus pandemic, as it projects the country’s dues will soar to 200.8 percent of gross domestic product this year, with a primary budget deficit at 5.1 percent of GDP after five years of primary surpluses, according to the Fund’s Fiscal Monitor report released on Wednesday. Source Ekathimerini

Bankruptcy Courts Gear Up, Dress Down With Filings Surge to Come

U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Christopher Sontchi may not be ready for a bathrobe in pandemic work-from-home style yet, but his black judge’s robe is gone. When he and his colleagues in one of the nation’s three busiest corporate bankruptcy venues switched to video hearings, they adopted a more informal approach that doesn’t include their tradition-bound courtroom attire. Source Bloomberg

More than a million Canadians believe they are on verge of bankruptcy, new poll suggests

More than a million Canadians believe they are on the verge of having to declare bankruptcy, according to the findings of a new poll released Thursday.

The survey conducted by DART & maru/Blue found an even larger group — 4.2 million Canadian adults — said they consider themselves to be heading towards bankruptcy over the next three months unless their personal financial conditions improve. Source Financial Post