Seine-Saint-Denis: The police attacked by twenty individuals. A police officer wounded in the face

In La Courneuve, a driver overthrew a cyclist before fleeing. Armed with the fugitive’s registration, the police located him in the Globe City of Stains. Twenty assailants When the officials spotted the vehicle, it was parked at the foot of a building. The driver, aged 23, was able to be stopped without difficulty. Suddenly, about twenty young people came out of neighboring buildings and stalled the police. Source Actu17

France: A stone of several kilos’s thrown through the front of a police car. 2 wounded.

The two police officers sitting in the front of the vehicle were injured. They escaped the worst. The officials were on patrol in Roubaix (Nord) on Monday afternoon, when they were stoned, says La Voix du Nord. In fact, it was a slab of more than ten kilos that had just been thrown on the windshield of their car. The two police officers sitting at the front of the vehicle were injured without the exact nature of their injuries being known. Source Actu17


‘Physics was built by men’: Cern suspends scientist over remarks

A senior Italian scientist has been suspended after he sparked fury during a presentation at Cern, the European nuclear research centre in Geneva, when he said physics was “invented and built by men, it’s not by invitation”. Prof Alessandro Strumia of Pisa University claimed during a seminar on gender issues in physics that male scientists were being discriminated against because of ideology. Source The Guardian