Greece complains to NATO over Turkish submarines in Aegean

The Greek Foreign Ministry and the National Defense General Staff (GEETHA) last week submitted to NATO a detailed complaint regarding the presence of Turkish Navy submarines in Greek territorial waters during the month of September. Turkey’s submarines in Greek territorial waters coincided with statements made by Turkish officials disputing Greece’s borders and questioning the Lausanne Treaty.  The treaty defined territory between Greece and Turkey following the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. Source Ekhatimerini

Video: Attempt to burn Paris police officers alive in Molotov cocktail attack in Grande Borne high security zone

French President François Hollande has slammed an “unspeakable” attack on French police after four officers were injured in a Paris suburb on Saturday when their vehicles were set ablaze by incendiary bombs. Source France 24

Two police officers, a man and a woman, who were securing a CCTV camera were seriously injured Saturday after being attacked by fifteen individuals armed with Molotov cocktails  at Viry-Chatillon. Source LCI  Continue reading