How Merkel and Macron spent more time in the pub than listening to May’s Brexit overtures

If Theresa May wanted proof she is running out of friends in Europe, she need only have ventured to the Roy d’Espagne brasserie in Brussels late last night. For while the Prime Minister dined alone after another summit mauling, Angela Merkel, Emmanuel Macron and the rest of their European chums were drinking the night away and enjoying the city’s famous beers. Source The Telegraph

Leftist French leader Jean-Luc Mélenchon broadcasts police search on party HQ live

French Leftist firebrand Jean-Luc Mélenchon has broken new ground on social media by broadcasting a police raid on his political headquarters from his mobile phone. A furious Mr Mélenchon, head of France Insoumise (France Unbowed), filmed as eight police officers searched the party headquarters early on Tuesday, which he slammed as an attempted “coup de force” against his party “to scare and intimidate us”. Source The Telegraph

For Emmanuel Macron, “French has emancipated from its link with the French nation”

“our linguistic community is a living being enriched with new meanings”, and is the herald of a multilingual vision of defense. French. “When I speak French, I speak our French languages. Its epicenter is neither on the right nor on the left of the Seine. It is probably in the Congo Basin or somewhere in the region. ” “The population of the Francophone area is young. Offering him a future through education, vocational training, employment, commitment to the city, culture is our main challenge, “he explained. “The first fight of the Francophonie in the years to come, it is particularly the youth in Africa.” It underlines the importance of the fight to carry out “to deploy our language, our languages, but also the fight against obscurantism, forced marriages, the fight against oppression against women, for the education of young girls. ” Source Figaro

France: Thirty individuals attack the police while they accompany a victim home.

A police officer was injured during an attack in Nimes. The very violent attack took place last Friday at around 9 p.m., in the Pissevin district of Nîmes. While a crew of police officers was escorting a victim home, about 30 young assailants attacked. A shower of projectiles fell on the officials, accompanied by insults and threats. To break this deadlock, the police had to call for emergency reinforcements. Source Actu17