Yellow vests: France to crack down on unsanctioned protests

French Prime Minister has announced plans to punish people who hold unsanctioned protests after seven weeks of anti-government unrest. His government wants to draft new legislation that will ban troublemakers from protests and clamp down on the wearing of masks at demonstrations. He said 80,000 members of the security forces would be deployed for the next expected wave of protests. Source: BBC

Yellow vest call to withdraw money from banks: Is it dangerous?

“We will return to the polls but through the distributor,” announced Facebook on January 7 Maxime Nicolle, aka “Fly Rider”, one of the most media figures of yellow vests. This call is not trivial and begins to spread on social networks. The operation is called the “tax collectors’ referendum” and consists of going simultaneously to the ATMs to get the most out of their wealth. “Many people will withdraw their money from banks. Source: Capital

A policeman arrested in Paris while carrying explosives without authorization

On December 23rd, customs officers made a very strange discovery in Gare de Lyon, Paris. During a routine check-up, they arrested a man, a policeman by profession, who was carrying explosives on him. The individual rebelled and tried to avoid customs intervention, in vain. He was taken into custody as part of an investigation conducted by the Inspectorate General of the National Gendarmerie (IGGN), according to a judicial source in Le Figaro. Source: Le Figaro

The 3 main police unions announce a wage increase agreement with the Ministry of the Interior.

The unions Alliance Police Nationale, Unité SGP-FO and UNSA Police met Christophe Castaner again on Wednesday when they had called for a day of “blocking” police stations today. The meeting with the Minister of the Interior followed a first meeting on Tuesday evening and ended shortly before midnight.

An increase between “120 and 150€ net per month for each police officer” is part of this agreement plan, which will be implemented gradually from January 2019. Source Actu17

Yellow vests: VIDEO: A riot police officer testifies “We had orders that were extremely aggressive”.

A police officer, working in a Republican Security Company (CRS) that intervened in Paris during the mobilisation of the Yellow Vests, gives his testimony.

This exceptional interview, broadcast on Youtube, lasts 20 minutes. Twenty minutes during which a CRS decided to give his testimony on his experience of policing in the face of the Yellow Vests movement. And his confidences are enough to shock the public. The man, who decided to testify anonymously, braved the ban and risks the dismissal of the National Police. It is qualified as a “whistleblower” by its host. Source Actu17