France and Germany face off over Nord Stream 2

  • Shortly before an important decision, France is against the planned gas pipeline Nord Stream 2, which advocates Germany.
  • The decision is an amendment to an EU rule that would allow the Commission to take greater action against Nord Stream 2.
  • The project of the Russian energy company Gazprom raises problems in the strained relationship between Moscow and the Europeans, France justifies.

Source: Sued Deutsche Zeitung

France set to undermine Nord Stream 2 pipeline deal

France’s Foreign Ministry has signaled its intention to vote for changes to the EU’s Third Energy Package Gas Directive regulating gas imports when the topic comes up for discussion Friday in Brussels. The proposed changes would effectively extend existing rules to cover offshore pipelines. The posture signals a direct confrontation with Germany over the construction and operation of the controversial Nord Stream 2 pipeline that Berlin is currently building with Russia. Source Deutsche Welle

Germany considers barring China’s Huawei from 5G networks

The German government is debating whether to follow the United States and allies such as Australia in restricting China’s Huawei Technologies from accessing its next-generation mobile networks on national-security grounds.

Some Western countries have barred Huawei from their markets after US officials briefed allies that Huawei is at the beck and call of the Chinese state, warning that its network equipment may contain “back doors” that could open them up to cyberespionage. Huawei says such concerns are unfounded. Source: The Irish Time