China’s First Bank Seizure in 20 Years Sets Investors on Edge

  • The Chinese government’s first seizure of a bank in more than two decades reverberated through markets for a second day, driving up funding costs for smaller lenders and adding pressure to shares that already trade at rock-bottom valuations.
  • China’s central bank injected a net amount of 150 billion yuan through open-market operations on Monday and Tuesday, the most since the week ended March 8.

Source: Bloomberg

US moves to strengthen forces in Middle East to counter Iran

The U.S. will send hundreds of additional troops and a dozen fighter jets to the Middle East in the coming weeks to counter what the Pentagon said is an escalating campaign by Iran to plan attacks against the U.S. and its interests in the region. And for the first time, Pentagon officials on Friday publicly blamed Iran and its proxies for recent tanker bombings near United Arab Emirates and a rocket attack in Iraq. Source: Associated Press