Barzani’s decision to hold referendum ‘betrayal to Turkey,’ Erdoğan says

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has warned that all military and economic measures are on the table against the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), arguing that Masoud Barzani’s decision to go ahead with the vote was “betrayal to Turkey.” “Frankly, we did not give credence until the last moment that Barzani would make a mistake like this,” Erdoğan said on Sept. 26 in Ankara, once again noting that the referendum is “null and void” regardless of the result. Source Hurriyet Dailynews

Frenchman who was on terror watchlist becomes police officer

A Frenchman who had been on France’s terror watchlist after showing signs of having been radicalized to extremist Islam has been accepted into France’s police force. The man was placed on the terror watch list in 2012 as a known radical Islamist and France’s intelligence service DGSI kept him under surveillance for a number of years after being alerted to his behaviour. Source The Local

China to bring back gold in international settlement with new oil futures

China is planning to bring back gold standards for international payment after several decades. Being the world’s largest importer of yellow metal, China is now preparing to launch an oil futures contract denominated in yuan and redeemable in gold. While the yuan is not yet a global trade settlement currency, China will make the plan possible by backing the yuan with gold for settling crude oil imports. China is also the largest importer of crude oil. Source Business Standard