French carmaker Renault signs €660 million deal with Iran

French automaker Renault signed on Monday a long-awaited joint venture deal with Iran worth 660 million euros ($779 million) to build up to 300,000 cars per year. The new deal puts Renault in partnership with Iran’s state Industrial Development and Renovation Organisation (IDRO) and private firm Parto Negin Naseh. Renault will hold a 60-percent stake with IDRO and Parto Negin Naseh 20 percent each. Source The Local

Moscow to cut dependence on U.S. payment systems: RIA

Russia will speed up work on reducing dependency on U.S. payment systems and the dollar as a settling currency, RIA news agency cited Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov as saying on Monday. “We will of course intensify work related to import substitution, reduction of dependence on U.S. payment systems, on the dollar as a settling currency and so on. It is becoming a vital need,” Source Reuters