Polish parliament mulls demand for Germany to pay WWII reparations

Eight years after the fall of the Nazi regime, Poland decided to forego further reparations from Germany. But now there are renewed calls for those reparations to be paid. More than 72 years after the end of the Second World War, Polish politicians are demanding that Germany pay their country reparations. A research office of the Sejm – Poland’s lower house of parliament – is now reviewing whether this would be possible. Source The Local

EU membership talks with Turkey should not be halted, Juncker says

European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker has said enlargement talks with Turkey should not be halted “on paper at least,” in an interview with the U.S. political magazine Politico. “Turkey is our neighbor, we can’t simply let it slip into oblivion. I am not in favor of ending the accession talks with Turkey, which is a demand from the European Parliament,” Juncker was quoted as saying. Source hurriyetdailynews