Macron offers €6bn tax cut to halt slump

President Macron promised French households a €6 billion tax cut as he launched plans designed to reinvigorate his flagging presidency. The tax cut, earmarked for next year, would be paid for in part by cutting more than 4,000 public-sector jobs as well as reducing pensions and benefits. Mr Macron said that it would help to usher France towards a new era of prosperity and shore up his credibility within the European Union. Source The Time

France: 3 police attracted in an ambush and attacked by twenty individuals

Called for a fight in progress, it was actually nothing …All started from a call to “17” this Sunday afternoon, shortly after 15 hours. A call signaling a fight street Jena La Roche-sur-Yon (Vendee). The policemen from La Garenne police station then went there. But once on the scene, they did not find anyone. It was then that about twenty individuals whose faces were concealed by scarves or hoods, attacked them. A real ambush. The attackers threw stones and firecrackers on the police. Source Actu17