(Video) Spain 2019 migration crisis will dwarf the Italian migration disaster. First arrivals from Algeria:

According to our source, these migrants left Algeria. Morocco, Algeria, Libya and Turkey are functioning now as transit countries while Frontex nor the European Union are showing any signs to solve the problems. A total of 152 immigrants aboard 13 pateras have been rescued while they were adrift in Cartagena waters. The navigators have been assisted by Red Cross personnel. Once identified, they have been taken into the custody of the National Police, which processes the following documents. Source Telecartagena

France’s Marine Le Pen ordered to undergo psychiatric tests over ISIS tweets

French far-right leader Marine Le Pen voiced outrage Thursday (Sept 20) after being ordered to undergo psychiatric tests for having posted pictures of atrocities committed by the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) group on Twitter. Ms Le Pen shared the gruesome images in December 2015, a few weeks after ISIS militants killed 130 people in attacks in Paris, sparking widespread condemnation in France. Source The Straits Times