The French Minister of National Education wants to restore “prestige” to the Arabic language

The Minister of National Education is thinking about developing Arabic, Chinese and Russian in school. The Minister of Education Jean-Michel Blanquer intends to develop a “qualitative strategy” vis-à-vis the learning of the Arabic language in school , he said Monday on BFMTV. A language “to which we must give prestige”, just as in Chinese and Russian, two other “great languages ​​of civilization”, he insisted. Source Le Parisien

Vostok 2018 war games will be Russia’s largest since 1981, Kremlin says

Russia is set to hold its largest military drills in almost four decades beginning Tuesday. Dubbed Vostok 2018, the massive exercise will involve nearly 300,000 troops, more than 1,000 planes, helicopters and drones, and up to 36,000 tanks, armored personnel carriers and other vehicles, as well as up to 80 ships and other vessels, according to Russian officials. Source: NBC News