Gazprom warns Europe of gas shortage without increased Russian imports

Europe will soon experience a gas shortage and price spike if it tries to rely on U.S. gas imports to cover rising demand instead of increasing purchases from Russia, Kremlin energy giant Gazprom told Reuters.The Trump administration has said it intends to level the playing field in energy markets by offering U.S. gas to Europe and Asia, citing a need to reduce what it calls the market-distorting power of actors such as Russia and OPEC.

Syria Coalition: We will defend ourselves and our partners

With coalition forces and their allies in Syria coming under fire in Deir ez-Zor and at the receiving end of threats out of Ankara, the spokesperson for the global alliance stressed that they have the right to defend themselves and will not hesitate to do so. The events of Wednesday night show that “our stance is very clear that we will defend ourselves and our partners. If there’s any thoughts of doing this again in the future, I hope that they would think twice about doing that – whoever it may be,” Col. Ryan Dillon told Rudaw TV on Thursday. Source Rudaw