Balkan Arms Exports ‘Diverted to ISIS’: Report

EU-backed weapons inspectors have discovered that arms from Central and Eastern Europe make up a third of ISIS’s arsenal, says a new report released on Thursday. BIRN earlier revealed how two major supply-lines, one funded by United States and the other by Saudi Arabia, have been moving large quantities of Soviet-style weapons from the Balkans to Syrian rebels in breach of international legal agreements on the arms trade. Source Balkan Insight

A Putin Aide Is Eyeing Cryptocurrencies to Beat Sanctions, Report Says

Sanctions against Russia have created an “objective need” for the digital currencies, Sergei Glazyev told a meeting of the presidential administration on the legal status of such instruments, according to Rambler. Glazyev also argued that the government could use cryptocurrencies to make and receive payments around the world for “sensitive” services, it said. Source Bloomberg