Gefira 55: The Transmutation of the World

Mankind has known coercion since its inception. A group of people, not to mention large tribes and eventually nations, obviously needs a hierarchy, someone to lead and the masses to follow the leader. The leader figure may be embodied by an individual or an elite. There must be a set of rules for society to function. Hence coercion. People are forced to abide by the commandments set proverbially from on high or merely agreed upon by a number of the more powerful leaders. The coercion meant that some worked, others divided the fruits of the work; that some spilt their blood in wars, while others declared those wars and concluded peace treaties; that some served while the others were attended to. Our age is no different and yet very much different: those who rule demand that all men and women tolerate, approve of, like – nay! – love each other. Hate – what do I say! – mere dislike, not to say disgust, disapproval, criticism are forbidden. We are entering the age of the dictatorship, the tyranny, the despotism of all-embracing, all-levelling love.

Think of all the hate-speech laws and the resultant penalties for raising an eyebrow at the sight of a tattooed individual, for looking twice at ostentatious behaviour only yesterday regarded as obscene. All such acts are microagressions to say the least and need to be nipped in the bud. The tyranny of love does not extend to its opponents who need to be reeducated, reshaped, remoulded; failing which, the opponents of the all-embracing love are fair game. Like those poor chaps tied to medieval pillories, with their faces and buttocks exposed to the projectiles of all kinds hurled at them by a passer-by who pleased to entertain himself in this way.

The ideology of the all-embracing love has not been born within the latest twenty-four hours, nor within the latest decades. It has been developing for three or so centuries, beginning at least in the Age of the Enlightenment. This ideology has worked its way from the theocentric to the anthropocentric view of the world, where now the working class, now women, now non-whites, now homosexuals are venerated. The same ideology is now intent on dethroning man and put nature – the planet, the Pachamama, the mother earth, the environment – in his stead.

It is the feature of ideology that it has nothing to do with logic, with thinking. Ideology invades and affects minds making use of evaluating terms and creating ideals. If reality belies them, so much the worse for reality. This man-cum-earth venerating ideology is the world religion of the 21st century, attempting to incorporate the other creeds. The 2019 Abu Dhabi Declaration signed by the leaders of the three Abrahamic religions and stating that it pleases God to have diversity in the form of the many creeds speaks for itself.

Gefira 55 traces back the birth of the modern ideology and doctrines that seem to be encompassing or be forcefully imposed on the world. It also conducts a comprehensive, if short, survey of the current critical points in world politics in an attempt to zero in on where the future Gavrilo Princip will fire the ominous shots in the Sarajevo of the future.


Gefira Financial Bulletin 55 is available now

  • The New World in, the Old World Out
  • The Transmutation of the Modern World
  • The Pedigree of Ideas
  • Basel III or the Great Upheaval in the Financial Markets

Sow the wind and reap the whirlwind

There used to be a time when European countries would conquer other continents to spread Christianity, i.e. to save the savages – as it was said – from eternal damnation. Since Christianity has been dead for many decades now, Western nations have rolled out a new religion: that of human rights. The advantage of the new creed is that it is supposed to be universal – as such was adopted by the United Nations – and does not require the different peoples of the world to renounce their religious beliefs. Rather, the religious leaders of all the other faiths fall all over themselves to show that their religious precepts have always been in line with the universal human rights or, indeed, that the human rights derive from their creed.

Be it as it may, the human rights religion is a political tool in the hands of the powerful for subduing others to their will. Under the pretext of defending human rights – wars are launched, missiles are fired, revolutions are staged and governments are toppled. Yugoslavia, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan – you name it – have all been subjected to penal measures in the name of preventing humanitarian disaster from occurring or spreading. The countries were bombed in the name of saving the lives of – yes, yes – women and children and oppressed minorities of all types. Even when the Americans did not know what to do with the incorporation of Crimea into Russia, Victoria Nuland, while listing the alleged Russian violations of the international law and – how otherwise! – human rights, pointed to the alleged prosecution of the homosexual “community” as they say.

The human rights religion is only used when it becomes useful. The fate of Uyghurs in China was not a problem for the “international” opinion for decades until it fit Washington’s plans to use it as a pressure to be exerted against Beijing. Since China has been regarded as America’s rival vying for world dominance, the human rights card is being played more frequently. When you lend your ear the the Western media, then all the message that you get is that the Middle Kingdom is a den of perpetrators of the worst atrocities aimed against particular groups of people: Uyghurs, the Tibetans, Christians, political dissenters and so on, and so forth.

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The Signs of the Times

“When it is evening, you say, It will be fair weather, for the sky is red. And in the morning: To day there will be a storm, for the sky is red and lowering. You know then how to discern the face of the sky: and can you not know the signs of the times?” (Matthew 16:2-3).

Three Kenyan runners acquire Romanian citizenship. The chances are they may represent the country during the Tokyo Olympic Games. The three women have been granted citizenship because “Romanians just as Germans or Swedes or the French make up an open nation.” What is an open nation? An open nation is a civic union of people unrelated by blood, culture, language, religion, anything. You may become French or Romanian, American or Swedish by a legal deed, just as you may become a member of a club, a party, an organization. Even easier. After all you need to somehow fit the profile of the club or identify with the principles of a Party whose member you want to become. With nations – assuming that the word nation is the right term here – it is far easier.

Yes, these Africans are from now on Europeans.

Jodie Turner-Smith, a black actress of Jamaican descent, is the latest impersonation of Anne Boleyn. Never mind that up till very recently there were no black people on the British Isles; never mind that Anne Boleyn is a recognizable figure from the English past evoking no doubts about her race, her skin colour, her ethnicity. Admittedly, there was a time when white actors impersonated black protagonists. The difference is that their appearance would have been changed to resemble negroid features as close as possible. The very obvious thing that was done was to change the actor’s skin colour. The producers of “Anne Boleyn” could not be bothered to do anything like it. The king’s consort is as black as they make them.

In case you don’t know: she is one of the English queens.

Lori Lightfoot, the black mayor of Chicago, has recently made herself notorious by refusing to give interviews to white journalists. Not that it raised hue and cry, at least not the kind of hue and cry that a similar statement on the part of a white person would have raised. Lori Lightfoot, who is black, is “married” to Amy Eshleman, who is white, and they have adopted a daughter of colour. Just as we can have an idea of an open nation, why not have an idea of an open sex, open family, open aything?

Note that the three Kenyan – now Romanian – sportswomen or Jodie Turner-Smith as a white queen are by no means the only instances of what is happening. Africans representing European nations at sports events and black actors impersonating historic or legendary white characters are increasingly the new normal.

If you want a picture of the future model of connubial bliss, here it is.
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Gefira 54: We are in need of critical reasoning

Gefira 49 made its readers more familiar with the idea of the Great Reset espoused by Klaus Schwab, the idea of refurbishing the whole world so as to make it – yes! – even better. We all know how badly we fare and how much we are afflicted with inequalities and how many problems beset us and how much poverty surrounds us. Hence, the project of restructuring capitalism, the best of the economic systems; hence, the proposition of transforming it into a kind of family business, with the word family denoting particular communities and ultimately all humanity, without regard for ethnicity, sex (nay, gender), skin… no need to enumerate the usual string of qualifiers. This new capitalism is technically referred to as stakeholder (not to be confused with shareholder) capitalism, really a kind of communism imposed from above. After all communism was state capitalism while this type of communism is going to be managed by global corporations rather than states. Now Gefira 54 picks up where Gefira 43 left off and goes on to have a closer look at the other branch of this breath-taking initiative developed and announced by the world’s elites: the branch’s name is inclusive capitalism and its apostle – or to be precise – female apostle is Lynn Forester de Rothschild. Inclusive capitalism appears to be another name for stakeholder capitalism, with all the same litany of wishful thinking: the top rich have joined forces to make the life of the hundreds of millions better in every significant respect. We know nothing about the actual goals of the elites, but the avowed targets are – as usual – equality and equity and fairness and the planet without regard for… well, we all know for what.

Gefira 54 then scrutinizes a significant part of mankind i.e. Africa or the Dark Continent, to see whether the lofty ideals disseminated and pursued by the billionaires are feasible in the place where they are most needed. We survey Africans, their patterns of behaviour and their capabilities not only on the continent where they are indigenous but also in the African diaspora and we ask a few questions, wondering, whether the world’s elites see the problems that we see. It is, by the way, an interesting phenomenon that the rich should care so very much about the poor. It is also an interesting phenomenon – which by now has become a rule – that individuals who have made very big money, oftentimes within one generation, within a decade or two, automatically become philanthropists with their own agendas of “making the world a better place” as is often said or sung. Likewise, it would be interesting to know whether they want to share the wealth that they have amassed with the rest of us or elevate us all to their status. If the former is the case, obviously, super rich though they are, their wealth spread among a few billion people would be reduced to so tiny individual amounts as to render them ridiculous. If the latter is the case, then we need to overcome our disbelief that the super rich mean it seriously to endow the hundreds of millions of people with manor houses, private jets and yachts. I can hear some of you say that neither of these sounds plausible. True enough. Then the elites must have conceived something other than what they reveal to us. What is it?

The equal or equitable (they make this distinction and few people care to find out what it means) society of tomorrow seems to be all the more problematic if we only take a closer look at the world’s finances, with the money being created by a click of a computer mouse and the production and services being largely hampered by the state of emergency that has been imposed almost everywhere around the globe because of the nucleic molecule in a protein coat that occasionally expedites someone’s arrival at the Pearly Gates.


Gefira 54: We are in need of critical reasoning

  • Capitalism with a human face
  • Africa
  • Ukraine
  • Inflation ante portas

Czechia joins the Me-Too Movement

You will have remembered the me-too movement growing thick and fast in the United States and springing over to Europe. All of a sudden, as if on order, a number of well-known women – show-business celebrities – one after another, publicly, began accusing well-known men – show-business entrepreneurs or politicians if the distinction is important – of abusing them sexually, of mistreating them, of even raping them… twenty, thirty or so years earlier. The accused wriggled and squirmed in front of the cameras, either dismissing the allegations or offering grovelling apologies for any minute impropriety that they may have been guilty of. Some of the accused got Scot-free, others had to pay a price, sometimes a heavy price, as was the case with movie producer Harvey Weinstein.

So, too, particular governments have this particular capability of retrieving past events from their memories and putting them to good use at present. The year was 2014, the place – Vrbětice, a village in eastern Czechia, close to the border with Slovakia. Two explosions with a one-month interval between them took place in the local arms and ammunition depots, killing two people and causing a huge material loss. A due investigation was carried out and in 2016 the case was closed: gross negligence was the root cause of the accident.

Explosion in the ammunition depot in Vrbětice

A few years fast forward and – lo and behold! – the news is broken that the explosions were not accidental but purposeful and that they were caused by – how otherwise! – Russian agents. To be strictly correct, not merely by Russian agents, but by the GRU Russian agents. These three letters – G.R.U. – enormously feed the imagination of an average European who is just a little bit interested in politics and modern history as the GRU (Главное управление Генерального штаба – Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation) is credited with unmatched effectiveness, by far surpassing that of the well-known KGB. To the readers of the books authored by the former Soviet agent Victor Suvorov (real name: Vladimir Rezun) – Aquarium, Inside the Military Intelligence, Spetsnas. The Story Behind the Soviet SAS – the abbreviation GRU rings big bells.

Needless to say, we will not know the genuine perpetrators of the event and all we can do is to pose questions and work out plausible scenarios; we may also point to coincidences, contradictions, inaccuracies and statements that fly in the face of common sense.

The news about Vrbětice was well-timed: a few days earlier US President Biden accused his Russian counterpart of being a killer, a murderer, someone who sends henchmen to various places in the world with the task of eliminating individuals who he regards as dangerous for Russia. The case of Sergei and Yulia Skripal, who were allegedly the targets of a poisonous attack of Russian agents, the case of Alexei Navalny, who survived an apparently similar attempt on his life, have duly been brought again to the public attention. The Vrbětice affair also coincides neatly with the anniversary of the Smolensk Air Disaster of 10 April 2010, a disaster that killed Poland’s president, a number of ministers, top brass of the country’s military and other important figures. Needless to say, an assumption has been made and recently revived that the disaster was caused by an explosion of a bomb planted on board the plane. Poles, in their majority sharing deep-seated anti-Russian sentiments, do not need much evidence to know who the perpetrators were, so much so that Polish President Lech Kaczyński, who died in the accident, pursued a policy that ran counter to the wishes of the Kremlin.
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Gefira 53: The World Nearing a Historic Breakthrough

Gefira 53 – The World Nearing a Historic Breakthrough – deals with the three breakthrough changes that the world is facing or rather is already undergoing: the gigantic transformation of the cultural paradigm (posthumanism, an ever increasing variety of genders, the environment and climate as man’s new deity), the epic contention between the United States (the declining superpower), China (the rising superpower), Russia (the defeated superpower at the stage of rebirth) and the restructuring of the overall system of financial settlements.

The unfolding events bear a striking resemblance to what mankind has already experienced in recorded history. The religious-like concern about or worship of the planet earth is a throwback to the heathen past, while the fight against – excuse the word – farting cows calls to mind Mao Zedong’s campaign against sparrows. The heightened tensions between the United States, Russia and China can be compared to a whole gamut of historical rivalries beginning with the wars waged between the Greek city-states and Persia and ending up with the Second World War. Money has not been used in the same form for millennia: before coins humanity had known barter, after coins humanity began using paper money, fiat money and ultimately electronic impulses. Now the global financiers are about to do without cash. With the enforcement of total control over everybody’s virtual wallet, barter is likely to be resurrected as a kind of defence against the omnipotent and omniscient government. Also the cultural change which is being effected is not particularly anything new but for two exceptions: it seems that for the first time in all of history an attack is being carried out against the two biological sexes while white nations – and that is the other quirk – are deliberately and willingly working towards being replaced by nonwhite peoples.

With these problems in mind, the authors of Gefira 53 take a particular look at the phenomenon that is commonly referred to as cancel culture, at the creation of central bank digital currencies and at Ukraine, which may play a role similar to the one played by Serbia or Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1914, where the First World War began, or to the one played by Czechoslovakia or Poland in 1938-1939, where the Second World War started.


Gefira Financial Bulletin #53 is available now

  • The World Nearing a Historic Breakthrough
  • Cancel Culture
  • Ukraine
  • The Great Digital Upheaval

Russians will seize the Donbass

yet, not in the nearest future. The world mass media have been sounding alarm about Russians marshalling their troops and moving them about their territory with the alleged intention of invading the aforementioned easternmost region of Ukraine and incorporating it into Russia just as it was done with the Crimea. The international atmosphere has been whipped up by Ukrainian President Zelensky, who has recently made a demand that Russia give back the Crimea. Kiev intends to take steps against Russian occupation – as they keep saying – of the peninsula and has even made suggestions that Germany – the country tied with Russia by means of one completed and one almost completed natural gas pipeline – render assistance. Obviously, Ukrainians believe that when the West expresses its support for Kiev’s ambitions, it means it in all seriousness.

Just to remind the reader. Ukraine was created by the Bolsheviks as a soviet socialist republic, one of the many making up the Soviet Union. Ukraine was called into existence the way Nebraska or California or Pennsylvania were. Initially the new state within the larger union-state only comprised those parts of Western Russia which for a couple of centuries belonged to – in different historical periods – Lithuania, Poland, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Austria, and Austria-Hungary. The people living under non-Russian rule developed a slightly different language from Russian. Much the same is true of Belarus, at present a state, formerly a soviet socialist republic created on a chunk of territory that once belonged to Lithuania, then the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. After the Soviets had established the Ukrainian Socialist Republic, they decided to carve a few regions out of southern Russia and join it to Ukraine. This is how the Donbass region became a part of Ukraine. The republic’s area and population grew larger and… more Russian in its ethnic composition. The latest chunk ceded by the Russian republic was that of the Crimea. In 1954 Chairman Khrushchev – of at least partly Ukrainian descent – arbitrarily took that decision. Nobody asked the residents of the Crimea whether they wanted to be shifted from Russian to Ukrainian jurisdiction. They did not care about that anyway because they all – Russians, Ukrainians, Tajiks, Lithuanians, Kazakhs – were citizens of the Soviet Union just as Texans or Virginians are citizens of the United States. When, however, the Soviet Union fell into pieces and particular republics became independent states, millions of people woke to a new reality: suddenly Russians ceased being Soviet citizens and became Lithuanian, Estonian, or Ukrainian citizens. Quite a change in someone’s life. When then the Kiev government started enforcing the Ukrainian language on all residents of Ukraine, Ukrainian Russians i.e. people living in eastern Ukraine – the Donetsk and Lugansk regions – rebelled. Imagine Texas or Arizona being incorporated into Mexico and then imagine that the authorities issue a decree according to which all residents of the two previously American states must speak Spanish rather than English.

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