By the common consent of researchers of the past, historical eras are marked by speeches that later came down as famous, as hallmarks or watersheds, as harbingers of the events to come. Such was the case with the Fulton speech given by Winston Churchill, which announced the beginning of a cold war. Such was Vladimir Putin’s speech in Munich, in which the Russian President signalled a turn in the relations between Moscow and the Western world. Such was the (plagiarized) speech delivered by Martin Luther King that put the United States on the way to sloughing off its white majority. Was Joe Biden’s ABC interview – fraught with unbridled, wild accusations – the opening salvo of a new cold war?
In this short interview President Biden managed to call Putin names and threaten Russia with a ‘price to pay’. True, the word ‘killer’ in reference to Vladimir Putin was said by the interviewer while the interviewee merely said his affirmative yes, but still. Joe Biden enriched his compliments to his Russian counterpart, stating that the Russian leader had no soul. To make things worse, the administration’s spokeswoman upon being asked whether President Biden regretted his words replied that he did not.
A few days prior to the interview, the British authorities made a statement that Russia was a national threat to the Isles. Were these two events a planned, orchestrated attack on Moscow or just a coincidence? Russia is held responsible for an ever-growing list of instances of bad conduct. Now its secret services attempt an assassination of a dissident, now they meddle in American elections; now they denigrate Western politicians, now they give support to dictators, and so on. The political world stage reminds one of a children’s story, where we have eternally innocent rabbits and eternally rapacious wolves; where we have the good guys – the United States and the European Union – and the bad guys – Russia, Iran and China plus their satellites. The world would have long been in the state of universal bliss but for Russia, but for this or that dictator, it is commonly understood.
It is strange that Moscow has not yet been held responsible for all the recent black riots in America. If the Russian tentacles are allegedly so operative as to meddle in the elections held within the borders of the only superpower, why, they should as well be capable of staging street riots and – why not? – unleashing the never-ending columns of refugees/escapees/immigrants on their way to cross the southern US border, settle down in the States and thus destabilize the socioeconomic status quo.
The topic of immigrants was also broached in the interview. American soil is being inundated by an ever increasing human avalanche. Yes, the Biden administration ostentatiously reversed the anti-immigration course of the Trump administration, but even the do-gooders like Nancy Pelosi must feel that the welfare system is going to be overwhelmed. With the pandemic restrictions and the rising debt, the future looks bleak. Who knows, maybe the establishment needs an international conflict with no less an enemy than a nuclear power? American society might be consolidated around its leader, while under such extraordinary circumstances all his domestic failures might be forgiven and forgotten. The President might also gain in popularity even among those who did not vote for him. That might be a plan.
And yet, “something is rotten in the state of America”.The great racial and ethnic replacement (nonwhites are already a majority among the school-goers), the sweeping revolution in the morals, the soaring debt, the rise of China, the failure in Syria, the return of Russia as a global player, plus the president whose senile conduct resembles that of Comrade Chernenko and Comrade Andropov – all of those bode ill for the Land of the Free. A video clip showing Joe Biden clumsily climbing the steps to Air Force One is doing the rounds. A mirror image of the United States.
President Biden falls on Air Force One stairs, YouTube.