Turkey will pay the price for having a lack of patience

photo Eugene Sergeev

photo Eugene Sergeev

It was a political decision to down the Su-24, and it reflected more the growing impatience on the part of the Turks at the Russian military actions in Syria rather than an exasperation at the violation of Turkish airspace. The decision also showed Turkish shortsightedness and political immaturity. It was a blow to Russia, one that may lphoto Eugene Sergeevead to far-reaching international consequences. The long-term consequence for Turkey may be the loss of some of her territory to Kurds.

The course of events and their background

If each single violation of a country’s airspace were to lead to the outbreak of hostilities, we would long have had world war three that would have erupted in the region of the Baltic states where such incidents caused by Russian and NATO pilots are far from being rare. The long accepted practice is that in such cases the pilots of both sides try to make eye contact in order to identify the intruder beyond any doubt. Then the alien craft is escorted out of the country’s airspace. Continue reading