EU like the church in the Middle Ages – before the split or before the Renaissance

The Middle Ages came to an end when people realized that the language of the rulers, the church, no longer fit the reality. The language that was the expression of religion (ideology) had to be renewed (Renaissance). Only then was the renewal expressed in art and architecture. Now the EU is in the similar point of its history. The level of alienation from reality of the EU and its bureaucracy has reached its peak. The language of the EU, its hypocrisy, ideological narrative became especially evident at the outbreak of the war in Ukraine: empty promises of arms deliveries, the yes and no for the sanctions, quasi-care for Ukrainians as a cover for the action of hostile takeover of Western Ukraine (its annexation into the EU zone of influence under US protectorate), the import of millions of Ukrainians to save the tragic, and demographic situation in the West of the continent. This Europe of many speeds, this rhetorical hoax about equality and equity, and this only valid, untouchable newspeak, uninterrupted by the war, in which LGBTQ+ and people of color are paid homage.

Democracy means that those in power represent “demos” (Greek: people). EU elites represent minorities, whom they call victims of the white repressive male system. The EU officials are puppets of the oligarchs and lobbyists, bought by the sheiks from Qatar, bought by Gazprom, bought by Big Pharma in the pandemic. 600 000 euros in the apartment of the Italian MP Pier Antonio Panzeri. A suitcase full of banknotes at the Greek EU vice-president. It’s easy to buy indulgences from von der Leyen, just like in the Middle Ages, isn’t it?

The “demos” of the EU elites does not exist, it is the fictitious people, shaped by newspeak, of denationalized citizens, of the people with only left-liberal views, of the people who turn a blind eye to the numerous scandals and affairs in Brussels because they live lavishly in the conflict-free, multicultural West. Suitcases full of money in every bedroom. Let us pray for Renaissance!

Why the war is still going on

The war in Ukraine has been going on for almost a year now. There is no doubt that it is a war between Russia and the West, between Russia and NATO, between Russia and the United States. There is also no doubt that Kiev, left to its own devices, would have long since been beaten and conquered and subjugated by Moscow. The constant supply of arms, financial loans and political support coming from the West means that Ukraine continues to fight, albeit not only with its own army, but also resorting to thousands of mercenaries from a variety of nationalities. Polish and British soldiers and officers are said to be operating in Ukrainian uniforms. The West has deployed all its authority, all its diplomatic and economic muscle, to sustain Ukraine’s resistance against Russia. Is it because anyone in Washington, London, Paris and Berlin or Kiev believes that Ukraine can win this war? Is it because anyone in Washington, London, Paris and Berlin or Kiev believes that Ukrainian troops will drive out Russian troops, that Ukraine will regain not only the four provinces that have been annexed to Russia, but also the Crimea? Is it because Moscow, having been repulsed and vanquished, will start paying compensation to Ukraine and the Russian leaders will stand before the international tribunal in The Hague like the former leaders of Yugoslavia and Serbia?

Of course not! So why are they fighting this war? Why are Washington and London, Paris and Berlin encouraging Kiev to resist further? Why are Western governments subjecting millions of Ukrainians to death, starvation, cold and emigration? The answer is self-explanatory. Because if the war goes on as long as possible, then:

① Russia, a rival that the West dislikes (to put it mildly), will be weakened and bled to the maximum;
② Ukraine will incur as much debt and as many obligations to the West as possible, only to repay them for decades, i.e. to relinquish control over its own natural resources, production facilities and population (for how else can Kiev repay these gigantic obligations?); Continue reading

Moneta Fiscale: sfida all’euro o salvezza dell’economia europea ?

By Marco Cattaneo,
from Basta con l’Eurocrisi

Si parla sempre più frequentemente, in Italia, di Moneta Fiscale come strumento di soluzione della crisi economica. Crisi assolutamente non risolta: nonostante l’ottimismo ostentato dal governo italiano e dalla UE, l’economia dell’Eurozona è ben lontana da una condizione complessiva accettabile, e questo è particolarmente vero per l’Italia.

Il PIL reale italiano crescerà nel 2017 dell’1,5% rispetto all’anno precedente, ma rimarrà comunque inferiore del 6% circa rispetto al 2007 – dieci anni dopo ! E sempre rispetto al 2007 la disoccupazione è doppia e le persone in povertà assoluta sono più che triplicate, da 1,5 milioni a quasi 5, e non accennano a diminuire. Il sistema economico italiano viaggia molto al di sotto delle sue potenzialità: il gap si è creato per effetto della crisi finanziaria mondiale del 2008-9, e poi delle politiche di austerità “prescritte” dalla UE nel 2011-2. L’Italia può risolvere questo problema introducendo un’adeguata quantità di potere d’acquisto nel suo sistema economico. Non può però farlo emettendo euro, né (a causa dei meccanismi di funzionamento dell’Eurosistema) con incrementi di deficit pubblico.

Tutte queste difficoltà si ricollegano al fatto che l’Italia utilizza una moneta (l’euro) che non emette. Una moneta non sovrana, quindi. La Moneta Fiscale consente di superare questo problema senza “rompere” l’euro. La Moneta Fiscale è un concetto riconducibile al “cartalismo”, teorizzato dall’economista tedesco Georg Friedrich Knapp all’inizio del Novecento, e recentemente esteso e sviluppato dagli economisti legati alla Modern Monetary Theory (MMT). Continue reading