Bosnian Capital Faces Threat to its Gas Supply

A Bosnian Serb energy company is threatening to cut off gas supplies to the capital, Sarajevo, in a dispute over gas transport prices. Its dispute is with the energy company BH-Gas, which is owned by the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bosnia’s other entity. Bosnia has no state-level law regulating gas transport prices. But a law on gas in Republika Srpska, adopted in 2015, stipulates that companies in the other entity must pay for gas transportation through Republika Srpska. Source Balkan Insight

Turkey ships harass drillship off Cyprus coast

Cyprus said on Saturday that it had an open line of communication with Italy after the Saipem 12000 drillship of energy giant ENI was reportedly forced to halt its course to Block 3 of the island’s exclusive economic zone (EEZ) by Turkish warships. Ankara claims that large part of Cyprus’s EEZ is part of its continental shelf and repeatedly warned Nicosia not take unilateral actions in the area. Source Ekathimerini