U.S. Jobless Claims Jump to Two-Year High Amid Closures

The total topped all but one estimate in Bloomberg’s survey and may be poised to surge into the millions next week as much of the economy shuts down to fight the pandemic. Pantheon Macroeconomics Chief Economist Ian Shepherdson estimates 2 million claims for next week’s report. “It appears from state numbers that the order of magnitude increase compared to normal is about 10,” he said Thursday. Source: Bloomberg

The 25-billion-euro plan to rescue Italy’s economy from coronavirus crisis

The Italian government has unveiled a 25-billion-euro rescue plan designed to shield families and businesses from the fallout of the coronavirus pandemic. The Italian rescue provides “a very strong injection of liquidity into the credit system that can mobilise around 340 billion [euros] in loans to the real economy, with suspension of loan and mortgage repayments,” Source The Local