Salvini says likes Putin for free

Salvini said he had a high opinion of the Russian president “free of charge” and dismissed the billionaire philanthropist and liberal open-society advocate as a “speculator who 20 years ago caused one of the biggest Italian economic disasters,” when the lira was forced out of the European exchange rate mechanism (ERM) along with the pound.
“I have already sued people who said Russia was paying me,” said deputy premier and Interior Minister Salvini, adding that “I’ve never had a lira from Russia, or a matrioska, or a fur hat.” “There is a relationship of esteem with Putin, I believe he has done a lot for his people and with interventions against Islamist terrorism like the intervention in Syria: and I say that gratis, because I think so. Source Ansa news

Turkey, Italian-French consortium advance talks on air defense systems

Cooperation between European manufacturer of anti-air missiles Eurosam and Turkish defense organizations will provide technology transfer to Turkey and bring the opportunity of export to third party markets, Ambassador of Italy to Ankara Luigi Mattiolo told Hürriyet Daily News, as the two sides advance talks on the Turkish procurement of the SAMP-T missile system. Source: Hürriyet Daily News

Turkey will not settle for less than destruction of PKK in Manbij as roadmap drawn

road map on the future of Manbij has been agreed on following a meeting between Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu and U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in Washington on Monday, Ankara announced. This is a new step in Washington-Ankara normalization efforts, which Turkey is expected to take with a grain of salt as the U.S. has failed so far to cooperate against the PKK terrorist group in Syria. Source Daily Sabah