Merkel allies limit her room on euro zone reform before Macron meeting

Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservatives are restricting her room for maneuver on euro zone reform, documents seen by Reuters show, which could further frustrate French President Emmanuel Macron who visits Berlin later this week. “I know that Macron is pushing Merkel and she is not moving in the way he thinks she should be moving,” said a person close to the French president, adding that he may have to adopt a more confrontational tone with Germany. Source Reuters

Erdogan: The US is after oil in Syria, but we will spoil their plans

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Sunday that Western powers are after Syria’s oil fields and threatened to ruin “this game” by conducting operations in Manbij and Hasaka. “Those who are planning in Syria are planning on oil, and we will spoil this game. By supporting Syria, and making this country stay on its feet again, we will keep surprising them,” said Erdogan, referring to the US, France and the UK, while addressing AKP’s provincial congress in Haltepe. Source Rudaw