France would send soldiers to help Kurds fighting the Turks

Accompanied by his particular chief of staff, Kurdish representative Asiya Abdellah announced that France would send soldiers to Manbij, the next town that President Erdogan threatens to attack after the Afrine resumption and where forces Americans are also present. “The cooperation will be strengthened,” she said at a press conference. “France will strengthen its military,” said the representative of Syrian Kurdistan (Rojava) in France, Khaled Issa. Source The Parasien

May considers banning City of London from selling Russian debt

Theresa May has agreed to look into imposing a ban on the City of London from helping Russia to sell its sovereign debt, which prop ups the Russian economy. Last month, City clearing houses, working alongside a major sanctioned Russian bank, helped issue $4bn (£2.83bn) of eurobonds to finance Russian sovereign debt, of which nearly half was sold in London markets. Nearly half the debt was bought by London-based investors, predominantly institutional investors. Source The Guardian