Secretary of state interagency commission refused entry to Poland, Foreign Ministry summons Polish ambassador

The Foreign Ministry of Ukraine is summoning Polish Ambassador to Ukraine Jan Pieklo over the fact that Secretary of the Interagency Commission for the Commemoration of Victims of War and Political Repressions Sviatoslav Sheremeta has been refused entry to Poland, spokesperson of the Foreign Ministry of Ukraine Mariana Betsa has said. Source Interfax Ukraine


Iran says ‘biased’ French policy stoking Middle East crises

Iran said on Friday that “biased” French policy was stoking crises in the Middle East after Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian accused it of “hegemonic” ambitions in the region. “Unfortunately it seems that France has a biased and partisan approach to the crises in the region and this approach, whether intentionally or not, is even contributing to turning potential crises into real ones,” foreign ministry spokesman Bahram Ghassemi said. Source The Local

Tesla sales screech to a halt in Hong Kong

Registrations fall from 3,000 to single digits after end of full tax break. Tesla is skidding in Hong Kong, where city authorities earlier this year slashed tax incentives on purchases of new electric vehicles. The cars were once eligible for full exemptions but now come with a tax break up to only 97,500 Hong Kong dollars ($12,488). This means Tesla’s Model 3 sedan now costs over $120,000, nearly 80% more than it did with the total exemption. Source Asian Review