Fire at the gendarmerie of Grenoble: the act is claimed by left extremists Video

A text claiming the burning of the technical premises of the gendarmerie of Grenoble was published at 1 pm this Thursday on an internet platform close to anti-capitalist circles. The authors of this claim make explicit reference to the trial that is currently taking place in Paris. Nine people are in fact tried by the criminal court in the case of the attack of a patrol of police officers and the burning of their car, in May 2016, in the margin of an unauthorized demonstration. Source Ledauphine

Venezuela Said to Be Late on $185 Million Sovereign Bond Payment

Venezuela, one of the world’s riskiest countries for investors, is late on a debt payment. The intermediaries tasked with passing along interest payments for the cash-strapped nation haven’t received the funds for an $185 million coupon that was due Sept. 15, according to people with knowledge of the matter. Investors interviewed by Bloomberg say they haven’t been paid, and brokers say their clients are still waiting on the cash. Source Bloomberg