Trump warns US Fed against making ‘yet another mistake’

The Fed is widely expected to announce an interest rate rise – its fourth in a year – on Wednesday.

But with financial markets in turmoil and fears of recession growing, some critics are questioning the plan.

In a tweet, President Trump advised the Fed to “feel the market” and not to “just go by meaningless numbers”.

His remarks bring unprecedented pressure on the central bank as policymakers meet in Washington for a two-day meeting. Source BBC

Yellow vests: VIDEO: A riot police officer testifies “We had orders that were extremely aggressive”.

A police officer, working in a Republican Security Company (CRS) that intervened in Paris during the mobilisation of the Yellow Vests, gives his testimony.

This exceptional interview, broadcast on Youtube, lasts 20 minutes. Twenty minutes during which a CRS decided to give his testimony on his experience of policing in the face of the Yellow Vests movement. And his confidences are enough to shock the public. The man, who decided to testify anonymously, braved the ban and risks the dismissal of the National Police. It is qualified as a “whistleblower” by its host. Source Actu17