Gefira 74: Nothing new under the sun

The names may be different, but the phenomena remain the same. The Western world, which is so free, especially in terms of freedom of expression, has long since abolished censorship, hasn’t it? No, there is no censorship, God forbid. There are community rules that preclude the expression of this or that opinion, or laws against hate speech that silence someone, but certainly no ban on free speech.

It is much the same with wars. Have you noticed that the good old days when country A officially declared war on country B before bombing it are long gone? But then why should we declare war? We don’t fight wars anymore, we conduct military operations to prevent a demographic or human catastrophe in a particular region. Or we fight terrorism, so sometimes we declare war, but not against a country or a nation, but against terrorism, against evil people or evil ideologies.

Different designations can make us think differently about phenomena that are very similar, not to say identical. Gephira 74 compares the events and characteristics of two instances of such hostilities, separated by almost two hundred years: two wars fought between the West and Russia for world domination, or at least for domination in one region, two wars both connected in one way or another with the Crimean Peninsula. One of these wars took place between 1853 and 1856, the other began in 2022.

We are also examining the American and German economy. Unseen policymakers like Powell and Scholz are attempting to appear optimistic, but the reality is that there are many indications that the decline will persist. Immigration is ongoing and is doing nothing to improve the labor market, the reason that was supposed to legitimize these absurd social policies. Companies and big banks are going into bankruptcy, education standards are dropping, while TV presenters only talk about new challenges, rather than an impending collapse.


Gefira Financial Bulletin #74 is available now

  • The Second Crimean War 2022 – 202?
  • The real state of the US economy – How the FED is warping reality
  • Germany continues to do away with itself
  • Just as in the USA, there are many indications of a recession

The Greatest Threat to America

Those who lived in a so-called communist country – i.e. a country, where Marxsism-Leninism was the state ideology – remember it very well: party leaders of all calibres when delivering speeches would constantly bring up a few topics and these were class struggle, bourgeois anti-values, capitalist enemies, sanctity of the working class, historical materialism, the inevitability of the victory of Marxist and Leninist ideas, and the like. All speeches contained these phrases and got across these messages. It was like a ritual: everybody expected that and nobody was surprised. It was like saying good day or goodbye, it operated like a reflex, like responding with a not-at-all or my-pleasure upon hearing a thank-you.

Much the same we can observe nowadays when we listen to the speeches delivered by Western politicians. Surely, the set of words and phrases is different, but the ritual of repeating them now and again, here and there, without rhyme or reason is precisely the same. The words and phrases that we have mentioned at the beginning of this text have given way to words and phrases like systemic racism, democracy, human rights, right to choose, transgenderism, tolerance and a few others. Be it Rishi Sunak or Macron, von der Leyen or Biden, we may sum up their speeches even without listening to them. In general: using these words and phrases they all opt for the greatest good and are opposed to evil; by the way, just as their Marxsist-Leninist predecessors.

Still, President Biden’s speech recently made at Howard (one of the HBCUs or Historically black colleges and universities) was a bit of a surprise. Not in that he said that climate change was a problem (the usual clap-trap), not in that he said that blacks are the future of the United States (but they are! they are! – who else?), not in that he said that women have the right to choose (but of course!), but in that the most serious threat to the United States of America is – make a guess! – white supremacy! Literally, the president of the United States called on people to stand up against the poison of white supremacy which is the most dangerous terrorist threat to our homeland. You see? It is not China, after all, not even Russia, nor the hundreds of thousands of immigrants crossing the southern border, nor recession, nor the impending de-dollarization of world economy, nor the ever-present shootouts in American cities but white supremacy.

America’s future

Where can he see it? In American government? In American movies? In American advertisements? In American mass media? In American whites taking the knee before their black co-citizens? In American affirmative action? In American de-segregated schools? In the rules of the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences?

President Biden said, racism has long torn us apart. It’s a battle that’s never really over, which reminds one of the sentence Comrade Stalin said many, many years after the Bolshevik Revolution had been completed that resistance to socialism increases as its successes mount. You see? You develop socialism and the bourgeois element is becoming stronger and stronger; similarly, you build a raceless society and all of a sudden racism (only white racism is understood, no other) is gaining momentum!

But then American elites are known for such discrepant statements: do you remember the pandemics of the unvaccinated, repeated by TV anchors ad nauseam? Due to the overwhelming propaganda Americans mostly subjected themselves to the global medical experiment and despite that fact the number of those who did not want to take part in the national stampede… grew! That’s at least the understanding of the word pandemics: the number of the infected – in this case infected with the stubborn disobedience not to be vaccinated – kept rising. How could the number of unvaccinated spread if more and more people were getting the jab?

Biden’s ghost-writer should really have resorted to this term: America is threatened by the pandemics of white supremacy or supremacists! Or he should have copycatted Comrade Stalin and formulated something like: resistance to raceless society increases as its successes mount.

FED in a china store

We have recently seen a significant increase in the price of gold, which today is approaching the mark of $ 2,000 per ounce. The appreciation we predicted in the recommendations of our bulletin was largely fueled by the liquidity crisis, which was only exacerbated by the expansion of the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet and a small rate hike (25 pts) by Jerome Powell and his colleagues. It is worth noting that the market was expecting a 50 basis point hike even before the Silicon Valley Bank problems.

The Fed’s head insists that the $297 billion increase in total assets is the result of a completely unique situation related to banks’ liquidity needs. What is crucial, however, is not the reason, but the fact that further substantial funds were created out of thin air – and this is directly related to another dose of fuel for inflation, which continues to show no signs of abating. So the risk of stagflation caused by an economic slump remains.

The last notable example of an exit from stagflation in the U.S. occurred in the 1970s. In response, Paul Volcker, then chairman of the Federal Reserve, raised interest rates above 19% to restore confidence in the economy. The positive real interest rates achieved at that time (with inflation at 13.5%) are out of reach for central bankers today.

An economic crisis will happen sooner or later for one reason or another. History simply shows that. The important question, however, is what methods will be available to central bankers when that crisis occurs (if we don’t already have it). In past decades, these were based primarily on lowering interest rates and expanding the money supply. However, the above measures are now being drastically curtailed because of their impact on the rise in inflation. A further rise in inflation would probably only prompt investors to withdraw their money from financial institutions in order to protect their capital elsewhere from the increasing loss of purchasing power. Such decisions would only lead to further liquidity problems. It also cannot be ruled out that the Fed will decide to raise interest rates further. These in turn would devalue the bonds held by banks, which would also deal a severe blow to the financial system. The impact is likely to be similar in both cases: either a liquidity crisis or inflation that is likely to spiral out of control sooner or later, or a combination of both. Janet Yellen and Jerome Powell thus seem to be caught between the hammer and the anvil, and their actions resemble those of an elephant in a china store.

Also worth mentioning is the recent news about the growing risk of a Deutsche Bank default. The banking crisis seems to be coming to a head, also in Europe. Even more important than the crisis itself, however, as already mentioned, seems to be the considerably limited room for maneuver of central bankers to counter it.

Gefira 73: Between the artificial and the real, between the wicked and the sacred

It is always advisable to recognise reality for what it is. In order to better assess what is going on, one must follow the development of current trends and ask resultant – compelling if you will – questions: is globalism faltering? Have the powers that be managed or failed to bring into line more important governments without which – as Klaus Schwab openly said it – the global project is as good as dead? Can we write globalism off? What world is being born?

As for now the powers that be have not backed off from waging a war for dominance, a war that might spiral out of control and trigger a global conflict. The managers of the world stubbornly hold on to their ideas, even though the two superpowers, Russia and China, failed to appreciate the benefits of the world as a global village with a division of labour imposed from on high (you know: the West as a think-tank, Russia as a provider of resources and China as the world producer). If you look at the events leading up to the current conflict and the formation of a Sino-Russian coalition, you have to admit that Moscow and Beijing had long been poised to lash out. They were politically humiliated for a long time and practically driven into each other’s arms. Having finally seen through the many unsettling instances of the Western leaders being – to say it politely – economical with the truth (recall Macron’s and Merkel’s admissions about their dishonesty during the Minsk talks), Russians finally stood up for their interests that had been jeopardized for so many years. Overnight, the deep-seated rift and prejudice between West and East came to the fore and the two parties to the conflict have again engaged in a game of hot war: hybrid or by proxy for the time being.

While devastation is wreaked upon Ukraine (once a jewel in the crown of the Soviet Union, with a highly developed industry and over 50 million inhabitants compared to today’s 35? 30? 25?), while the stockpile of Ukrainian weapons is both systematically depleted and replenished, while the West carries out reprisals (wave after wave after another wave of sanctions), while the raving mad EU leaders dream about putting President Putin’s head on a chopping block (and executing him the way they have executed Milošević, Hussein and Qaddafi), a new world is emerging, a really diversified world dominated not by one but by a few centres of global power. This is a red rag to the Western globalist bull.

What are the necessary or at least sufficient factors that spell disaster for the collective West and its minions? Why are Washington, London, Paris and Berlin getting cold feet? Is the cooperation between Russia and China only a slap on the wrist or something more serious? How about Brazil, Argentina and Iran playing with the idea of joining the BRICS? Is this a wake-up call for the West? Or maybe the fact that the Chinese currency is displacing the US dollar? While Americans are trying to keep a straight face, Riyadh – Washington’s long-standing ally – is not willing to comply with the demands of the mentally incapacitated American president. Have the American establishment seen it coming that Saudi Arabia will resume political relations with Iran due to China’s and Russia’s diplomatic maneuvering?

The ideologically driven policymaking (climate change, promotion of sexual deviance, ethnic replacement, “gender reassignment”, moralizing globalism, policing the world under the pretext of human rights) pursued in the West by extremely ill-advised die-hards has eventually ruffled a few feathers here and there and consequently solidified a partnership and created a commonality of interests between Moscow and Beijing, between Riyadh and Tehran, between… who’s next in line? The few changes that are taking place now might have a knock-on effect.


Gefira Financial Bulletin #73 is available now

  • Between the artificial and the real, between the wicked and the sacred
  • Virtual world threatens the physical world?
  • Transition from the virtual world to the physical world
  • The American Fortress and the Russian Church

A friend in need is a friend in d*ck

Most of our readers will have heard by now that Poland and Hungary – followed by Slovakia, Romania and Bulgaria – have placed, are placing, or are about to place a ban on Ukrainian grain. Now, that’s something! You see, especially Warsaw is oh so in bed with Kiev, going so far as to erase political borders between the two states and suggesting a creation of one political entity and – all of a sudden – the Polish authorities are blocking the import of Ukrainian grain, simultaneously – to top it all – remaining the staunchest supporters and advocates of Ukraine in the European Union! Gee, you couldn’t make it up!

Why are the aforementioned countries against the import of Ukrainian grain is obvious to everyone: it comes in huge amounts and it is VERY CHEAP. Since it is cheaper than the grain produced in the said countries, their farmers are getting angry because they are losing their profit. As simple as that. 

As believed by Warsaw, Ukraine ought to receive all types of weaponry from the West (and Poland), but it ought not to sell its grain in order to finance its war effort. All this is happening in the face of the statement issued a year ago by the spokesman of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who notoriously said (true, in a different context, but still): “We are servants of the Ukrainian people, their requests” (emphasis added). Yes, Polish leaders and society at large are very emotive when it comes to the proxy war between NATO and Russia, fought on Ukrainian territory. The words of the said minister reflect it very adequately. Many thousands of Polish homes opened their doors to Ukrainians fleeing their country. Now it turns out that neither the government nor the common people are ready to sacrifice… their grain profit to help Ukrainian farmers and through Ukrainian farmers – Ukrainian people. What a strange piece of logic… Outgoing weapons – yes, incoming grain – no!

Some time ago Polish President Andrzej Duda welcoming American Vice-President Kamala Harris in Warsaw became the butt of the joke which has been doing the rounds in the net, saying – while expressing his gratitude for American military presence in Poland – that a friend in need is a friend in deek (meaning ‘indeed’, but mispronouncing the word), which made Kamala Harris burst out laughing (though mispronounced, the word deek evoked in her mind an association with d*ck). Well, now President Zelensky might say the same in reference to Poland. Since President Zelensky’s mastery of English matches that of President Duda’s, we might all have a good laugh not only occasioned by the sloppy pronunciation, but also by the aptness of the proverb, even if warped in such a manner.

A friend in need is a friend in d*ck (have a listen)


What on earth is going on in the UK?

Whites still make up 85 or so percent of the population of the United Kingdom. Yet, when you look at the faces of the individuals who occupy (occupied, will occupy) key positions, you begin to wonder whether they are representatives of a Third World country or whether the United Kingdom has been conquered by a Third World country.

What is happening in the United Kingdom resembles the political philosophy that used to be pursued and enforced in former communist countries, in which there was an official semi-religious cult of the working class people and the peasantry and, consistently, such people were positioned in places of power. Today in Western countries (ideologically taken over by the Trotsky branch of communism) the cult of the people of colour supplanted the cult of the working class people and the peasantry, and consequently such people are placed in positions of power.

There is a world of difference, though. The number of working-class people together with that of the peasantry was in the neighborhood of 70-80 percent of the post-war – that is the beginning of the communist political takeover in Eastern Europe – population of Poland, Romania, Hungary or Yugoslavia, and perhaps even a bit more in Russia after the 1917 Bolshevik revolution.

The other enormous difference is that educated children of workers and peasants became doctors, engineers, journalists, teachers etc. and they could no longer be regarded as or recognised as or identified as workers or peasants. The people of colour in the United Kingdom will remain people of colour for generations to come. Notice also, that though the ideology elevating workers and peasants was initially unfriendly towards or somehow discriminating against people with a university education, once the sons and daughters of the same workers and peasants joined the ranks of the educated cohorts of society, the unfriendliness or discrimination automatically disappeared. Now, the children of people of colour will remain people of colour – they cannot biologically join the ranks of whites – so the prejudice, mistrust, unfriendliness or hate on their part towards whites (and reversely) is not likely to disappear.

Notice also, that while workers and peasants of Eastern Europe shared their Christian heritage with people with a university degree, some of the people of colour (with the number being on the rise) are – unlike white residents of the United Kingdom – Muslim or Hindu.

Though the white majority of the residents of the United Kingdom may have been thoroughly brainwashed into accepting it all (though the correct term for the current behaviour of the whites ought to be termed negative or enforced acceptance), one of these days they will certainly recoil and lash out; they surely will. In the long run it has always been so in world history, with absolutely no exceptions. The powers that be are playing with fire, yet they are blinded by metastasized Trotskyism. To think of it: just as Eastern Europe along with Russia ditched Stalinism three decades ago, the Western world remains in the firm grip of Trotskyism and that of the Frankfurt School. What disaster does that spell? Go figure. 

The West: a reincarnation of Midas gone wrong?

Holy smoke! says Blinken, Holy smoke! says Biden, Holy smoke! says (von der) Leyen. Are we a reincarnation of Midas? With this huge difference, though, that whatever we touch turns into shit rather than gold…!

The United Kingdom announced providing the Ukrainian military with depleted uranium missiles, and so Vladimir Putin decided to deploy tactical nuclear weapons to Belarus. Gee, how can we ever now so much as dream about a regime change in Minsk? Once Russians have their nukes there, they will go out of their way to suppress any what of we call peaceful protests.

Holy smoke! The American president – the American president, mind you! – wanted to call the Chinese leader and was – can you imagine that? – snubbed! For all practical purposes Xi Jinping told Joe Biden – through one of his secretaries! – I am busy now. Can’t it wait? Maybe some other time.

The leader of the Kiev regime also demanded a meeting or at least a telephone conversation with Xi Jinping and his plea fell on deaf ears, but that was a puppet! President Biden himself would not stoop so low as to talk to a Zelensky, but to snub the American president?

Holy smoke! What are the Saudis doing? They are burying the hatchet and began a process of reconciliation with Iran? The Saudis, our besties in the Middle East (second only to Israel, of course) are doing it through Chinese intercession and with Russia’s blessing? They are not complying to American wishes anymore concerning oil extraction? Worse, they are playing with the idea of switching from the dollar to the renminbi while trading in oil?! Hey, you old chap Kissinger! Could you not give us a hand with it? You brokered excellent relationships with the Saudis and China, look what it came to pass now!

Now France. Millions are taking to the streets and they’ve been rioting for weeks now. What has come over those people? Have we not tried hard enough to mix them up with Third Worlders so as to break their national or social coherence and to avoid having people protesting in the streets like this? No expected effect? Gee… Maybe we have injected too few immigrants…

Now the Netherlands, now Belgium, now Brussels – the political centre of Europe – of all the places! Dutch farmers are blocking the highways and streets with their trucks and tractors. Why can’t they understand that nitrogen kills us all? Have we not pumped enough money into the cardboard cutout Greta Thunberg to make people believe in the man-made climate change story and consequently make them follow our leadership in this respect?

Look at small Georgia. They are about to apply for membership in the European Union and NATO, and despite that their prime minister has dared to issue a nationwide warning about the Ukrainization of Georgia. What does he mean? We know what he means. Yeah, he does not want to have his country turned into another war zone between the West and Russia. ok, but wait a minute, mister prime minister! Do you not remember Madeleine Albright, who (in)famously said in an interview that the lives of thousands of children were a small price for the abolition of communism? Can Georgia not sacrifice itself in the crusade against Russia? Can’t three and a half million Georgians – what a laughable number! – sacrifice themselves on the altar of the good of humanity? Hey, you Georgian prime minister! Do not worry! We will take care of you, the way we will take care of Mr Zelensky!

Now the worst of it all is the dedollarisation. Holy smoke! If we lose that global leverage, we are done. Done once and for all. We have had such a wonderfully effective stranglehold on all nations in the world: just printing dollars or freezing a nation’s deposit made nations prostrate before us and lick our boots. What now? Will we need to go to actual war with all the disobedient countries whose number is rising?

Holy smoke! Mexico, Brasilia, Saudi Arabia, Argentina – who else? – they all drift away from us and swerve towards BRICS. What’s that? How could they spurn our values of human rights and democracy and LGTB rights and the fight for the climate agenda, and, instead, look to dictators and regimes as a political, economic and cultural alternative?

Holy smoke, even as small a country as Hungary or Slovakia are rebellious: the leader of the former does not understand the importance of doubling down on the military and economic war effort with Russia, while the people of the latter protest against NATO! Against NATO – of all the organizations – that protects them against the Russian bear? Are they insane? No, these must be Putin’s agents operating there. Mentally healthy people would never ever protest against NATO, the European Union or the United States!

Holy smoke, by now we have agreed on the eleventh set of sanctions against Russia and… we are running out of them! What is more there to sanction? Yes, Russian music, art, films, literature… That would be the twelfth wave of sanctions. When then? What will we sanction? Russian personal names? Yeah, Boris Johnson would have to drop his… How about that? This will ultimately break the Russian bear.