European commissioner Tusk double-crossed Poland

The current President of the EU Council has a good reputation in the EU circles, but not in Poland: he had to flee from his home country to Brussels, completely compromised. After all, his government was a catastrophe: mass emigration of young Poles, tampering with the coffers of future pensioners, corruption and benefit scandals, the Amber Gold affair, the all-pervasive nepotism in his Civic Platform (PO) party, numerous sins of omission crowned by Nord Stream.

Young unemployed people can light the torch of a revolution. If you want to secure your position in politics, you leave salaries low and open the borders. The discontented young unemployed emigrate and only those who have less motivation to take to the streets remain. In 2005 Donald Tusk made this trick, this intervention on his nation. He threw Poland into the arms of the EU: since then the population has fallen significantly due to the emigration of many young Poles. Nigel Farage aptly commented on this when he turned to Tusk in the European Parliament: „Your debate is about emigration, and time and again you’ve promised the Polish voters that young poles would return to Poland, and at the same time Mr Cameron has promised the British people that fewer Poles would come to us. Well, it turns out that you’ve both been wrong and your country has been depopulated by 2 million people since you joined the European Union and the reason is obvious: it’s money, isn’t it? And you yourself prove the point. You are the newest Polish emigre and you’ve gone from a salary of 60 000 euros a year to a salary of 300 000 euros a year. So congratulations! You’ve hit the EU jackpot!”What moved Tusk, besides money, to go to Brussels and interrupt his political career in Poland? Continue reading

Yes, the Italian elections prove that populism is not going away anytime soon

2016: Brexit and Trump, “A new hope”.

2017: Macron, “The Empire Strikes back”.

2018: Di Maio and Salvini, “The Return of the Jedi”.

The titles of the original Star Wars trilogy fit the wind of change sweeping through politics. The Western leadership has forsaken its citizens, pursuing the dreams of a global empire; its main victims were its supporters, the moderates, the centrists, the Western middle class,who crashed under the weight of globalization in the forms of tax havens, mass migration, off-shoring, and global wars. The 2018 Italian elections are a reminder that the political upheaval, superficially snubbed as “populism” by an increasingly delusional globalist elite, is here to stay.

The “populist” triumph: the anger of the Italian youth

Movimento 5 Stelle and Lega are Italy’s anti-establishment parties. They were expected to pick up 27-28% and 13-15% respectively. They both exceeded polls predictions. M5S will likely pick 31%, while Lega 18.5%, beating its coalition rival and mainstream party Forza Italia of Silvio Berlusconi, the Italian forerunner of Donald Trump, which now garnered a meagre 13.6%. Continue reading

In Europe, oil wars have turned into gas wars

Despite the growing importance of alternative energy sources like wind or solar energy (which enormously fuels the imagination of the media), the demand for natural gas is not decreasing, and the resource has a great influence on international politics.

At present, only about 35% of the Union’s gas demand is met by indigenous production. The largest supplier is Russia – 35%, the second is Norway – 32%. As own production is declining, the EU will import 80% of its gas from the middle of the next decade. The smaller the number of suppliers, the more dependency on each of them. In 2015, two-thirds of the EU’s gas imports came from Russia, Norway and Algeria.

Gefira Financial Bullletin #21 is available now

  • Geopolitics and big money are about gas not oil.
  • Gazprom more influential in Europe’s gas market than Brussels.
  • Norway will not solve Europe’s problems.

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How George Soros is meddling in the Italian elections

A few weeks ago, the United Kingdom woke up to the realization that its democratic process is vulnerable to the attacks by a foreign plutocrat seeking to overturn the result of the popular vote of British citizens via a second referendum on the European Union membership, or in case that was not possible, to overthrow government after government until the Hungarian-American oligarch got his way.

George Soros, replied by penning an article for the Daily Mail, in which he motivated his actions by “his love for Britain”, which somehow did not stop him from attacking the Bank of England in 1992, which cost British taxpayers billions. He simply knows better, and so demands the right to hijack the political process of a democratic country, despite not being a citizen, because he’s fighting against “mafia-states”. It speaks volumes about Soros’s concept of “Open Society” where he’d be free to run the political show of any country, in a borderless world, where any vote contrary to his would be made null and void. Continue reading

Natural gas sets the stage for an armed conflict in the East Mediterranean

The efforts of individual countries to access the gas fields in the south-eastern part of the Mediterranean make the area very vulnerable to new conflicts and war and can also lead to a dispute within NATO and affect Europe’s energy security, putting the EASTMED pipeline in question. The war for natural resources is looming large.

The first problem is the relationship between Cyprus and Turkey. Ankara, the only capital which recognizes North Cyprus, says that all activities related to the extraction of gas in the Cypriot area are an encroachment on the interests of North Cyprus. While Turkey does not recognize agreements between Cyprus and other countries on the issue of economic exclusive zone (EEZ) or licenses for gas exploration in Cypriot territorial waters, Nicosia holds the opposite opinion. Ankara, through the Turkish Petroleum Corporation (TPAO) puts forward claims that it is entitled to look for gas and oil in Cypriot waters and has the right to defend its interests there. Cyprus issued a number of concessions to various mining companies on more than half of the blocks (i.e. parts of the economic exclusive zone on which companies could explore gas or oil) located within the Cypriot EZZ. President Erdoğan warned Cyprus and international gas exploration companies that the violation of Turkish interests would have bad consequences.In the middle of February 2018 the warning was made good and so the Saipem 1200 mining vessel operating for Italian company – Eni was blocked by Turkish ships. Italy responded by sending a military ship to the area.This shows how explosive the situation is now that two NATO member states want to pursue economic goals without backing them with diplomacy.

It is worth mentioning that also in February a Turkish coast guard boat rammed a Greek patrol ship in the Aegean Sea,which shows that the Turkish government is willing to use military force. Continue reading

When fact-checkers fail: an answer to Sara Pellegatta of the Soros-funded Atlantic Council

Our analyses on the Dutch and Italian demographics recently went under “fact-checking” by Sara Pellegatta of the “Digital Forensic Reseach Lab” of the Atlantic Council.

Mrs. Pellegatta’s claim is that our analyses were “murky” and “controversial”, going on to discuss the impact they’d have on the immigration debate in the upcoming Italian elections. We are open to address her concerns:

  • she opens by stating that we claim that Italians will be soon a minority within their own country.

Our study says it will be around 2080.Now, while “soon” does not have a specific quantification, 2080 is not exactly around the corner. Her statement is rather distorting. Continue reading

DACA: are Republicans about to gift Texas to the Democratic party?

Migration can change the democratic balance of power in a state or country for centuries. Like the butterfly effect in physics, where small initial changes can result in large differences at a later stage, a relatively small group of migrants now can change the distribution of political power in the future because there is a relation between ethnicity or religion and political choice. Ethnic or religious preferences in migration policies are unconstitutional. However, a population would lose its democratic right to determine its ethnic, religious and political future if it is forced to accept every migrant regardless of his origin.

We previously covered the impact of Ronald Reagan’s Amnesty Act of 1986, resulting in the shift of California’s population to Hispanic majority and consequentially making the state a bulwark of the Democratic Party, the Republicans’ rival.

We now wonder if the DACA deal, envisaging a path to citizenship for illegal minors currently present in the United States, could have a similar effect on Texas (the state with the second largest Latino population after California), so much so because the DACA has been enlarged from 800,000 individuals to 1.8 million. Continue reading