Sensational! Angela Merkel argues with Thilo Sarrazin!

Our reporter succeeded in recording in one of Munich’s ale houses a talk that was held between the “chancellor of the refugees” and the brave professor who will not let himself be pigeonholed by the establishment. We’re revealing some of the most interesting parts of the conversation.

Angela Merkel: If only we succeed educating and integrating the people who have arrived from Syria or other places and found sanctuary in our country, they will surely show us profound gratitude.

Thilo Sarrazin: I’m of the opposite opinion. We have a problem with our education due precisely to Muslim immigrants. They are the only group in Germany that has difficulties mastering our language. They are making up most of the underclass and live on the taxpayer’s money while their children find it hard to comply with the requirements of our educational system.Some 70 or 80 percent of all the problems with migrants in terms of education, employment, redistribution of wealth and crime rates originate with this particular group.

Merkel: I can assure you, all these phenomena are of limited duration. I think if we were more flexible and give up on some of our more demanding requirements, we could employ a sufficient number of German teachers for the refugees. We need to find new solutions, resort to retired teachers and educators or just employ students instead. Continue reading

Why the EU’s policy towards the Syrian conflict is a disaster? Because it’s unrealistic…

The European Union has to understand finally that idealism is simply magnifying human suffering and endangering the security of all parties. There is the realist alternative, which focuses on one’s own interest instead of morality. However, such foreign policy has a highly ethical purpose, i.e. peace and stability. The EU member states have made many mistakes during Syria’s civil war, which decreased their prestige, influence and security. Through the realist lens it’s important to make a serious assessment, which side in the conflict should be supported, and to remember that the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.

The realists don’t refrain from bold proposals and suggestions when it comes to foreign policy. In 2012 Kenneth Waltz argued that Iran should have access to nuclear weapons.Three years later Stephen Walt pointed that in case of ISIS’s victory in Syria, the international community should learn how to live with it’s potential new member.Right now there are voices among realists, according to which the attempts to overthrow the al-Assad government were a mistake.Those examples result from a distinctive view of morality’s place in international relations. Continue reading

Why the Ius Soli in Italy smells like an attack on democracy

Controversies on the attempt by the ruling Democratic Party of Italy to change the citizenship law are firing up.

The proposed law would give the Italian citizenship to newborns whose at least one parent has been residing in Italy for 5 years. Adding to this, underage foreigns who have studied at least 5 years in Italy and completed a school cycle could also obtainain the citizenship. According to supporters, this law is a question of ‘’civility’’ and would help integration. Critics point out that many of the Islamic terrorists in Europe in the last few years have European citizenships and have studied in Europe, yet none of that made them loyal to the community listed on their identification documents and its values.

First of all, we tried to verify this last claim: from January 2015 until today there have been 13 attacks by Islamic terrorists in Europe, 30 perpetrators were identified, 20 had European citizenships and of them, 18 were from countries with a Ius Soli citizenship law (France, UK, Belgium, Sweden) while only 2 were from countries without it (Italy and Denmark). 60% of the Islamic terrorists in Europe comes from countries with a Ius Soli type of law. Alleged more ‘’civil’’ countries have instead signficantly bigger problems in terms of integration and cohestistance between different religions. Continue reading

Trahison des Clercs, Italians should stop being Italian and caring about their National interest.

In 1927, Julien Benda denounced ‘’The treason of intellectuals”, or the pursuit of excessive nationalist preferences by his contemporaries over universal values. Ninety years later, roles have been reversed. The intellectual class of the West has a new religion, globalisation, and has completely forsaken the native communities of the West.

If the working class of the West is suffering or if the middle class is shrinking, it does not matter, because globalisation has brought ‘’global economic growth” and the rest of the world is better off. Similarly, when Western intellectuals lose their leveraged bets in the global financial casino, and the whole casino crashes, it is up to the average Westerner to ‘’save the world” at its expense. A cry of horror rises when Donald Trump wants to protect manufacturing jobs instead of ‘’saving the world” from climate change. Westerners do not like Islamic terrorist attacks? That’s too bad for them; investment from Gulf countries that sponsor Wahabism or the Muslim Brotherhood, like Saudi Arabia and Qatar, are more important than the lives of Western citizens. The priority should be to let Gulf countries fund mosques and cultural centres and make sure they are not offended whenever one of their own murders Western citizens. Continue reading

PayPal gets political and joins the side of NGOs traffic of illegal immigrants.

PayPal gets political and joins the side of NGO’s traffic of illegal immigrants.

The activities of the NGO’s in the central Mediterranean, shipping migrants from Lybian waters to Italy, have, in the last few months, become a national controversy in the Southern European country with many questioning where does the funding for the NGO fleet come from and what are their motives.

After initial background checks, prosecutors from Sicily are now investigating NGO members for the aiding of illegal immigration and association for criminal purposes; this reflects the fact that the overwhelming majority of migrants coming from the Central Mediterranean route are not refugees, but simply illegal immigrants: in 2016, over 180,000 migrants arrived in Italy, of which, according to the UNHCR database, 120,000 applied for the status of refugee with a 60% rejection rate while the remaining 60,000 did not apply; thus, increasing the amount of non-refugees to over 70%; at least 132,000 illegal immigrants. Continue reading

Cerberus 2.0 predicts with scientific precision the disappearance of the Dutch population

A change in demographic trends takes 50 years before they become plainly visible. The decline in fertility in the sixties started to become visible after 50 years. Cerberus, our population simulator, shows with scientific precision that the replacement of the European society has started, and within 50 years it will be visible and irreversible.

Since the seventies of the previous century, the Western societies have not produced enough offspring to keep their communities growing. The fertility rate (i.e. the average number of children per woman) is far below 2.1. i.e. the level of replacement. A population with a higher rate will grow while a population with a lower rate will shrink. As it is, the Western and Japanese societies will begin to implode 40 years from the moment their fertility rate dropped, and this demographic winter, as this phenomenon is sometimes called, will affect the world more profoundly than the climate change, so politicians and investors should take notice. Continue reading

UK Snap Elections: May’s Pyrrhic victory

David Cameron had called the UK referendum on the EU membership, hoping to get rid of the most Eurosceptic wing of his party and never expecting to lose, he ended up losing referendum and his job. Theresa May, comfortable in a 20+ percentage points lead in polls, called a snap election to have a stronger parliamentary support for her Brexit deal, she ended up without sufficient numbers at all.

If someone needed evidence that mainstream parties are detached from reality, it’s just there, one spectacular debacle after the other. After repeated terrorist attacks by Muslims in the United Kingdom, the best she could come up with was “internet censorship’’;everyone should have their freedoms restricted because the UK government is unable to fix a problem resulting from decades of open borders policies, unwilling to break ties with countries like Saudi Arabia, despite the fact that secret services know it sponsors terrorism,and negligence considering that attackers are often known to authorities for their views and previous crimes.

Unsurprisingly, the 20+ points lead evaporated within less than 2 months; the only reason Conservatives still come out as the biggest party is the disappearance of UKIP, former Conservative breakouts themselves in 1993, which having achieved their main goal, make the UK leave the European Union, have lost much of their purpose, their charismatic leader Nigel Farage and the funding; with former UKIP voters (12% of the total in 2015) switching to Conservatives, Theresa May managed to obtain more votes than her opponents, but not enough to secure the 326 seats majority needed in the lower chamber of the British Parliament.

What’s next? The last experience of the “hung government’’ saw a Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition, but Liberal Democrats are against Brexit and won’t likely work with Conservatives needing a majority specifically about that issue. The “Tories’’ might have to call for another election and in that case victory is everything but assured. May seems to have secured the support of the Democratic Unionist Party of Northern Ireland (10 seats, added to her 318) which has a more left leaning economic platform. Continue reading