Train travel in Italy

Train travel in Italy has never been so easy and affordable these days for migrants. All you need to do is to simply board the train. Chances that someone will approach you politely asking for a ticket are next to nil. If, however, especially on long distance trains such as Freccia, a conductor eventually finds you without a ticket, all he can do is, again, very politely, ask you to get off the train at the nearest station. The only result is that you continue your journey, getting on the next train. And then, if you don’t agree with such a request because your travel plans cannot be bothered by lack of a valid ticket, you can always rely on the presence of some foot soldier of Soros’s Army, ready to lend a hand or give friendly advice to an alien culprit.

This is what happened not long ago exactly on a Frecciabianca, a high-speed regional train rolling along the Tuscan coast. A loud altercation was overheard by the passengers as a sub-Saharan woman was being addressed with – allegedly – harsh words by a train cleaner who had something to say about the fact that she was without a ticket. It was the African woman’s lucky day though, as one of the passengers who witnessed the commotion was Lorenzo Tosa, a blogger and former candidate in the May EU elections put up by Soros-financed Più Europa. Tosa rushed to the scene, ready to help the African woman confronting the train cleaner, described by Tosa as “an Italian in his forties, badly dressed, wearing thick frame glasses.” In short, someone mentally retarded who dared to approach “a splendid African girl in her 20’s who was in evident distress due to the man’s behavior.” At that point of the event Tosa felt entitled to step into the discussion and demanded – actually forced – the train cleaner to apologize.

Afterwards he felt compelled to inform the reader in a lyrical style how close “with every muscle, every nerve of his body” he sympathized with the African woman. Talk about empathy of the highest degree! Why haven’t our emphatic blogger paid for her ticket as a gesture of solidarity? Why shouldn’t his empathy be directed towards all human beings? How about some empathy towards the train cleaner, whose lack of education, or lack of skills, or lack of connections, forced him to clean train toilets for six or seven euros per hour? We wonder if Tosa ever had to accept such a low level menial job. Perhaps he wouldn’t have frothed at the mouth with disdain, or disgust, towards this man whom he portrays as a worthless human being.

Again, how about some empathy towards train conductors being attacked and beaten on a daily basis by Africans whom they – always politely – lest they be charged with racially aggravated harassment – ask for a ticket? If you read the sanitized, politically correct Italian news, you would be forced to think that Italians all of sudden are becoming increasingly allergic to tickets, as the reports do not reveal the nationality of the aggressors. Tosa is too busy sympathizing with ticketless Africans, rather than with his fellow citizens making an honest living.
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They will help Poland strip herself of her property

Poland is under attack. Almost all of the one hundred US senators have signed a letter to Secretary of State Michael Pompeo in which they urge him to cause the US government to “help Poland to resolve this issue as quickly as possible.” What is the issue? How does the United States want to help Poland? Do the senators want to implement a belated Marshall, whose benefits were reaped by Western Europe in the aftermath of the Second World War, plan to boost Polish economy as a kind of compensation for the 1945 Yalta Agreements within the framework of which it sold Poland to the Soviet sphere of interests? Or maybe the senators want to render military assistance against Russia by injecting the Polish budget with finances enabling her to purchase up-to-date equipment and thus upgrade her army? Or maybe they urge the Secretary of State to lift from the Polish citizens – representatives of an allied nation – the obligation of having to apply for a visa if they want to travel to the United States?

None of these. The letter addressed to Michael Pompeo has been written to “encourage him to pursue bold initiatives” to… strip Poland of a huge amount of property and transfer it to Jews – you guessed it right: holocaust survivors – and Jewish organizations. What property? Anything owned by the Jews before 1945, and even afterwards, by the Jews who were at that time Polish citizens. Anything irrespective of the fact whether there are heirs to the property or not. Polish courts honour the documented claims submitted by rightful heirs, but that is not what is meant by S.447 – Justice for Uncompensated Survivors Today (JUST) Act of 2017, where we read that “in the case of heirless property, the provision of property or compensation” should nevertheless be demanded “to assist needy Holocaust survivors, Holocaust education, and for other purposes”. The document also stipulates that also “wrongfully seized or transferred” property be returned to individual Jews or Jewish organizations, where the term “wrongfully seized or transferred includes confiscations, expropriations, nationalizations, forced sales or transfers, and sales or transfers under duress during the Holocaust era or the period of Communist rule.”

There are two things that hit straight in the eye. First, the tribal or racial approach to the problem. It is Jews as a tribe that must be compensated for. It does not matter whether a property has a documented heir or not, nor does it matter that at the time when Jews were owners they were all Polish citizens to the man, which under any system of law means that heirless property is taken over by the state. Second, “wrongfully seized or transferred” property during “the period of Communist rule” refers to the years following the Second World War, a time when Poland was ruled by a communist party which carried out “confiscations, expropriations, nationalizations, forced sales or transfers” of all kinds of means of production and other property and these acts were implemented for the most part by Polish Jews who staffed – at times – the majority or near-majority of the decision-making levels of government, the communist party and law enforcement. What chutzpah! Continue reading

Paris – soon a third world capital city

There is a pressing demographic trend, and the areas established by Europeans are being slowly taken over by Africans. Many cities in Africa used to be white cities. Whether it be Congo’s capital, Kinshasa (Léopoldville), Dodoma, the capital of Tanzania, or the capital of Kenya, Nairobi, they were all founded and built by Europeans. Contrary to the popular belief, it was not that the Europeans conquered or colonized African peoples. The continent was barely populated. Yes, there were fights, but the European settled in a predominantly empty space.

With the support of Europe, and more recently that of Japan and China, the African nations are multiplying and becoming the earth’s fastest growing population. Kinshasa, Dodoma and Nairobi – once European – are now turned into African cities and there is no reason to believe that this process will stop at the border of the Dark Continent. Now it is Paris that will become the first true African capital city. In large parts of it white French have been replaced by Africans and this process will not stop anytime soon. Consider the French national football team: it looks at times as if it represented Senegal or Congo.

Up to now, the French have been celebrating their national holiday, holding a large military parade on the Champs-Élysées on 14 July. Today some of the “French” people are celebrating the victory of “their” country in the Africa Cup of Nations, flying Algerian rather than French flags in the centre of Paris. While the French with a white complexion booed President Macron during the national festivities, the French with a darker complexion were celebrating their victory in the Africa Cup of Nations, and bragging of conquering France at a faster pace than the Germans did in 1940 in an act of retaliation for French colonization of their countries of the previous centuries.

Once in Africa, now in Europe, the French are losing territory step by step, and we read on a regular basis that representatives of the French state, whether it be the police or emergency workers are ambushed, with police stations being under attack carried out by the new French. What attracts everybody’s attention are the New Year’s Eve celebrations marked by car-be-cues i.e. by torching hundreds of automobiles. The custom accompanies also other events like the football world cup victories that are celebrated in the like fashion. Continue reading

Turkey: the Game Changer

The deal between Ankara and Moscow has been signed and sealed and the first shipments of the S-400 air defence system have just landed on Turkish soil, at a military airbase located at the vicinity of the country’s capital. The second-largest NATO army is acquiring weapons and materiel from a state that by the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation is viewed as inimical.

Turkey occupies an area which is bridging Europe with Asia and neighbouring some of the war-ridden countries like Iraq and Syria in the volatile region known as the Middle East. It is also strategically important for NATO because it controls the Straits between the Mediterranean and the Black Sea and because it outflanks Russia from the south. A NATO member since 1952 Turkey – although a Third World country – wanted to remain a loyal member of the Alliance with ever closer ties to the Western world. Not only did Ankara join its troops to the NATO but also lent its territory to the pact. The reader will have remembered that it was the American missiles deployed to Turkish territory which caused anxiety at the Kremlin and induced Nikita Khrushchev to retaliate by deploying Soviet missiles to Cuba, which led to the international conflict threatening to culminate in a third world war. The strained relations between the two superpowers were only eased when both the Soviets withdrew their missiles from the largest island in the Caribic and the Americans removed theirs from Turkey.

Turkey’s membership in the Alliance has never meant that Ankara was a patsy in Washington’s hands. It skilfully guarded its sovereignty and pursued its own interests. Thus in 1974 Turkish armed forces landed in Northern Cyprus, establishing there of a separate Turkish state and a permanent – as yet – division of the island predominantly inhabited by Greeks. Thus Ankara dared to thwart the interest of another NATO member – Greece – and Athens could do nothing about it. Turkey was strategically too important and that is why it could afford to act independently of NATO’s most important allies.

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Joseph Stalin’s political role model was Ivan the Terrible; Vladimir Putin’s is Peter the Great

The Cold War – as unpleasant as it was – was at least characterized by a set of diplomatic rules that had been elaborated over time and the states concerned either abode by or went to great lengths to abide by them. It is no longer the case, with the United States walking out on the disarmament agreements signed with the former Soviet Union. The world has become less predictable. Such is the diagnosis given by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin during an hour-and-a-half interview that was recently held with him by two Financial Times journalists. The Russian leader competently – as usual – addressed the issues raised by his interlocutors.

The Russian president has one more time sent a message to Western diplomats and the common people. What the message is?

There is a split between the elites and the people. The split caused by rampant liberalism, a diktat that suppresses the traditionally minded citizens, a diktat that serves the rich and harms the poor. Chancellor Merkel has made a huge blunder letting in hundreds of thousands of Third World immigrants, whereas President Trump correctly read the wish of common Americans and won the vote. The suspicion that he won the presidential campaign because of Russian interference is ridiculous. We may dispute whether President Trump’s idea of separating the United States from Mexico by means of a wall is good or bad, yet the voters see that their leader at least is attempting to do something about the problem, whereas his European counterparts are adding fuel to the fire. Why, the elites live in guarded, separate, gated city quarters and the people do not. The same holds good for globalism. The outsourcing of manufacturing lined the pockets of the West’s very rich while impoverishing the middle class. Liberalism is at its end. It has destroyed tradition and ousted religion and offered an ever increasing number of genders in return. Still, people on the whole, whether they realize it or not, live by biblical values. One cannot operate as if it were not so.
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Libra – the global currency

There are three things with which one can control a community, a nation, a state, or the whole planet: (i) ideology, (ii) information and (iii) money. They are interwoven and inextricable. Ideology forms a cast of mind that enables to make money or prevents from making it. Consider the medieval prohibition that was binding on Christians only but not on Jews to renounce interest or – as it was called – usury. Some could accumulate profit, others could not, depending on the ideology they clung to. Information is also a prerequisite for making money: the one who knows more and earlier what is going to happen on the market wins the day. Both ideology – especially its spread and enforcement by law – and access to or exclusiveness of information require money. Lots of money. No wonder then that money was always in high demand and man has since time immemorial looked for ways of multiplying it at no or low cost.

When gold meant money, rulers employed alchemists to turn ordinary metals into this precious one. When money took the form of paper, then bank(st)ers devised fractional reserve banking: i.e. they came with the idea of multiplying money without having to resort to costly and complicated methods of turning one metal into another. All they had to do was to convince the users of money that the slips of paper or ledger records stood for genuine value. At present the time came for digital money i.e. electronic impulses and electronic ledgers.

Whichever is the manner in which money is created, the one who has the power to create it, calls the tune. “I do not care who rules a country, so long as I create that country’s money,” are the words attributed to one of the Rothschilds. A banker keeps the ledger in which it is stated how much his clients have or owe to other clients or banks, and the same banker creates the money and appropriates some of it as his own remuneration. He is the real landlord! He occupies a position that many others would like to take over. One financier may cause another financier’s collapse, taking him out of the financial market or taking over his assets. If that is too costly or not possible, one may come up with an idea of creating a competing kind of money. Modern technology, as said above, enables money creation without using paper or ink or watermarks or whatever, without having vaults in which to store the financial tokens, without having to run a chain of small bank buildings or automatic teller machines to make money physically available to anyone. Modern technology makes it possible to create money and distribute it without those financial trappings. Modern technology enabled the creation of crypto money or cryptocurrency.

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State of the Globe: 13 Facts: why the next crisis is inevitable

The order of the current problems laid down below is random. Hard to say which factor will be the next catalyst. Maybe all or several at the same time? Decide for yourself.

1. Unresolved political conflicts. Ask yourself: which conflicts have been finally resolved since the 2007 crisis? In the Middle East? In the Balkans? In the former Soviet Union? (in Ukraine, the proxy war of the EU against Russia?) In Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya? In Sudan? There is no end to this list. The UNO, NATO, the international coalitions for the “defence of human rights” or interventions of the major powers for the defence of their own interests in a region (e.g. Russia and the USA in Syria) only bring more unrest and destabilization in the individual regions and cost the Western world pots of money. Aggressive foreign policy by the great powers and threats to geopolitics will continue to put a massive strain on the world’s economy and pose a risk to investors.

2. The most powerful countries in the world have been arming themselves for years. World military spending increased by 2.6 percent last year to around $1.82 trillion – a new high since 1988. The mainstream media, unlike in the sixties of the last century, are reluctant to talk about the new Cold War because they are fully engaged in creating the delusion of a united, peaceful humanity.

3. Since its inception, Marxism has been an ideology that has not inscribed itself as anything positive in the history of any country. Because of Marxist ideas, more than 100 million people died in Europe in the 20th century (according to the calculations of the French historian Stéphane Courtois).The Western elites remain untouched by this and continue to pay homage to the fathers of destruction,using their language, their ideas, speaking of internationalism, equality of all peoples and races, unification of all nations, support for the poor, who are supposed to reach the same level as the rich, support for the people who disregard the genuine values of Western civilization (LGBT and the new letters constantly being added). Citizens of EU countries and others who do not believe in the harmfulness of such ideology should rather take to heart the latest communist miracle – Venezuela. Otherwise they will soon be painfully confronted with the consequences of the immigration policy, the green lie, the wrong social policy, which does not care about just redistribution of wealth and the whole wrong foreign and energy policy of the left-green scene. Even now, the middle and lower classes in France, Italy and other countries are suffering because of the left-green ideology that for years has been causing their purchasing power and standard of living to fall (see Yellow Vests).
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