The Nexus of Global Trade Routes

The five post-Soviet Central Asian republics – Kazakhstan (19 mln inhabitants), Kyrgyzstan (6), Tajikistan (8,5), Uzbekistan (30) and Turkmenistan (5) – making up a joint area of almost 4 million square kilometers (by roughly one million larger than the area of India or Argentina), with the total population equalling 68 million (comparable to that of France or Great Britain) is a very important spot on the globe, landlocked between Russia, China, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran. In the 19th century it was the Russian and the British that penetrated the area and vied for dominance there: the former from the north-west, the latter from the south-east. Their rivalry received the name of the Great Game. The five countries were a sort of colonies of the Russian Empire, though – due to the territorial proximity – incorporated into it. The indigenous populations – confessionally, linguistically and racially entirely alien to European, orthodox Russians – would pose problems occasionally, which twice morphed into an open uprising against Russian rule: in 1916 and in between 1923-24. Both attempts were quelled, which resulted in the loss of many lives and massive emigration. Bishkek, Kyrgyztan’s capital, was then renamed to Frunze, to honour the Soviet general who had vanquished the insurgents. While the people of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan had no political representation in the Russian Duma under the tsars, they enjoyed it during the time of the Soviet Union; at that time they also exercises a sort of statehood, albeit within the framework of the communist superstate. In the 1980s they constituted the bridgehead for Soviet troops invading Afghanistan. The scars left by the Russians did not really heal: they were only allayed for a time. When the Soviet Union collapsed, the five republics declared independence, and began gravitating towards the United States.

Central Asia. Source: Wikipedia.

At present the five Central Asian states are in the cross hairs of such potent players as Russia, China and the United States. Also Turkey, due to the commonality of the religion and the ethnic relationship (notice the overlap of the demonyms Turkey and Turkmenistan), plays a certain role in the region. The residents of this area seek employment in Russia or let themselves be recruited to fight in Syria against Bashar al-Assad backed by Russia. The collective historical consciousness is fraught with bitter memories of Russians fighting against the forefathers of today’s residents of the area and of Russians combating their brothers in faith in Afghanistan four decades ago. That is something that Washington has been trying to skilfully exploit. To this purpose the United States created the C5+1 political initiative that combines the effort of the five countries and those of the United States to stymie terrorism, boost economic growth and foster the human rights in the region, as the official documents and statements say.

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At Cross Purposes

Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has announced the conversion of the Hagia Sophia from the museum to a mosque. The temple, which was built in 537 and served as the greatest Christian orthodox cathedral for a thousand years, was turned into a mosque in 1453 at the fall of Constantinople, Byzantium’s capital. After four centuries in 1934 this mosque was turned into a museum by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, who wanted to tout himself to the world as a modern ruler of secular Turkey. President Erdoğan’s announcement met with an enthusiastic applause of the Muslims, not only those residing in Turkey. Much of the Western press denounced the move as Erdoğan’s maneuver aimed at diverting the nation’s attention from the current economic problems. This explanation – Marxist through and through – does not take into consideration at least two factors: psychological (Muslim faith) and political (symbolic message to the world). A nation’s attention can be diverted in a wide variety of ways, so why should it be the conversion of a museum into a mosque?

Turkey’s Hagia Sophia turned back into a mosque, causing a divide, CBC News: Tha National YouTube.

Atheist, deist or agnostic Western analysts typically cannot grasp the phenomenon of religious faith, its palpable reality. In scientific terms faith can be viewed as a psychological phenomenon and psychological phenomena are to be reckoned with just as physical ones or – at times – even more. Man is constricted in his actions by these two: physical reality and his internal psychological automatic pilot, so to say. It is not true that faith can move mountains in the literal sense of the word, but it is not true either that everything is a matter of physical coercion. There are women who turn prostitutes although they have money to burn, and there are such who will never even consider selling themselves despite the fact that they suffer want.

Religious (read: psychological) factor is as strong as economic. Failure to understand it caused the Western liberals to import millions of Muslims to (post-)Christian countries. The liberals regarded religious faith as a mere facet of tradition, culture or heritage, which can be changed at will and which constitutes no serious impediment to liberal ideas. How wrong they were is plain to see today, when religious – mainly Muslim – minorities pose serious social problems. Turkey has a special Directorate of Religious Affairs (known as Diyanet for short) that operates also abroad, especially among Turks dispersed in many West European countries. There is nothing comparable to it in any of the Western countries. The Diyanet has a large budget at its disposal and the word religious in its name obviously equates with Muslim.

Turkey turns Hagia Sophia back into a mosque, TRT World YouTube.

Western analysts also claim that President Erdoğan has broken with the secular tradition set down by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, as the former was creating the modern Turkish state on the ruins of the Ottoman Empire after the First World War. They either genuinely fail to recognize that secularism is the same as faith or religion only with the minus sign assigned to it or they intentionally do it to present themselves as those who occupy moral high ground. Why should secularism be something better than religiousness? Being lukewarm Christians at best, the Western journalists are incapable of imagining how serious this psychological phenomenon known as religious faith can be. If they have this inability to place themselves in the shoes of genuine believers, they should at least learn something from psychology. If they could be bothered to do so, that is. Then they would have learnt that religion is anything that constitutes the highest value in a man’s psyche. Hence, it need not be Christianity or Islam alone; religion can take the form of communism, fascism, feminism or secularism for that matter. A few centuries earlier Europeans discovering, conquering and administering foreign territories would bring with themselves the Christian cross and Bible (one of Columbus’s ships was named the Santa Maria); today, Western powers display homosexual rainbow flags on foreign territory and enforce accepting homosexual rights the way they once forced indigenous people to accept Christianity.
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A Continental Rift

While the United States has been seeing a number of monuments being toppled, the Russian and Belorussian presidents have recently unveiled a grand memorial to the Soviet soldier fighting fiercely during the Second World War at Rzhev, where the number of victims surpassed that at Verdun during the First World War. A ideological, so to say, hiatus between the two countries – Russia and the United States – is enormous.

Protesters Try To Tear Down Andrew Jackson Statue In DC As Monument Debate Grows | Today, YouTube.


Compare the above with the below.

A Soviet soldier with his uniform morphing into cranes (Cf. The 1957 world-famous Soviet feature war film The Cranes Are Flying.). Source: Открытие мемориала Советскому солдату подо Ржевом, NTV YouTube.  

A large part of the American society – more or less half of it – is made up of either aliens who naturally do not like the country they live in or self-hating Americans, who are ashamed of their own history and their own heroes. In Russia and Belarus the percentage of self-hating Russians or Belorussians is far smaller. Yes, Russians and Belorussians suffer from the inferiority complex when they compare themselves with the West, and in both countries there is the fifth column made up of intellectuals who are addicted to Western grants and lauds, but even they – at least for the time being – would not dare to dismantle the monuments to the Russian or even Soviet past.

Aliens have been brought to the United States as slaves or they have been flocking in, especially recently, encouraged to do so by the American left or liberals. Some of them almost as soon as they have set foot on American soil, begin to work against the country that has shown them hospitality and given many opportunities. A prime example is Ilhan Omar, an émigré from Somalia, who dares to openly speak about dismantling the system of oppression, as she calls it, because the United States is nothing but “systemic, institutional or environmental racism, accompanied by police brutality and accountability resulting in a systemic trauma.” That’s what the speech of that democratic party US-representative boils down to.

President Putin honouring the Rhev heroes. Source: Открытие мемориала Советскому солдату подо Ржевом, NTV YouTube.


Ilhan Omar raving against systemic, institutional and environmental racism. Source: Rep. Ilhan Omar Calls for Federal Action to Address Institutional Racism, YouTube.

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Amendments to the Russian Constitution

A few days ago a substantial majority of the citizens of the Russian Federation said their yes to the several amendments to the constitution. The turn-out was large enough to legitimise the changes. What are they, these amendments?

We can group them under three headings:
[1] social,
[2] political and
[3] moral.

[1] The Russian Federation attempts to be a semi-socialist state, but since the word socialism has no good press in Eastern Europe, the socialist principle is re-branded as social or societal partnership, which
[a] guarantees the minimum wage and at least
[b] a yearly indexation of retirement pensions.

[2]The new constitution lays strong emphasis on Russia’s sovereignty, which is protected in the following manner:
[a] Russian law has precedence over international law;
[b] individuals holding high state-posts must not have citizenship other than Russian nor bank accounts abroad;
[c] Russians and the Russian language are named as factors uniting other nations into a multi-ethnic nation that creates statehood;
[d] an individual may be the country’s president for two terms with this stipulation, however, that the terms held up to the time when the amendments have come into force do not count, which is a rather clear indication that Vladimir Putin is thinking about continuing as the head of state.

[3] The Constitution, mentioning the belief in God as an important historical heritage, is tasked with
[a] protecting marriage as a union between man and woman along with
[b] guarding the memory about and the good name of the patriots who defended the motherland.

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Citizens recoiling

Every few years an event sends shock waves around the globe:

2001: the attack of hijacked planes on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and the White House;
2008: the financial crisis;
2015: the immigration “crisis;”
2020: the “pandemic;”
202?: …?

There have always been individuals who have questioned the unfolding events and were – yes, you guessed it right – categorized as followers of conspiracy theories. Vigilant and observant people could not understand why a superpower was paralyzed by a group of amateur pilots; why large staffs operating the most important banks did not see the financial bubble; why all of a sudden Africans and Asians began storming Europe and the United States although they had not done so for a millennium; why a type of flu was declared a pandemic and stopped the economic life of almost the whole world; what is being prepared for us within the next few years. No wonder then that also the current “crisis” poses questions.

A number of German and Austrian scientists, physicians, sociologists, experts and others have decided to call into being the Extra-Parliamentary Corona Committee of Inquiry (Außerparlamentarischer Corona Untersuchungsausschuss – ACU) into the so-called pandemic. Their claim is that there is no pandemic, that the wave of corona-induced diseases is comparable to flu waves that from time to time sweep across the globe and that the precautions and measurements taken by the German government were excessive and unwarranted, leading to larger collateral damage than the virus itself. The members of the Committee seem to have been sprung into action by the inactivity of the ruling parties and those in the opposition in this respect plus by their own professional observations and the internal report of the Ministry of the Interior that “90% of all necessary operations in Germany were not carried out” because of the pandemic.

The committee members are afraid that the vaccine that is being designed is dangerous as it an RNA vaccination which is “able to alter the genetic material” and that under the guise of the infection protection laws a “surveillance state with mind control and surveillance apps” is in the making. The grass roots resistance has found its representatives: big calibre people.

Committee members: Bodo Schiffmann, Heiko Schöning and Martin Haditsch. Will they, too, be dismissed as conspiracy theorists?

Dis-United States of America

We all remember those shots. American troops are entering Baghdad. A tank stops somewhere in the city, cautiously, in the vicinity of a Saddam Hussein monument. After a few minutes of apparent inactivity, a crowd is beginning to form around the monument. The crowd is not all that big. It rallies around the figure of Iraq’s president. Soon an American soldier climbs the monument and puts an American flag on it. An Iraqi intervenes, so the flag is replaced with the Iraqi one. And then, then some individuals begin to climb the statue, a crane arrives from somewhere, a steel rope is attached to the monument and the crane drives slowly back, taunting the line and gradually slanting the president’s image to its feet. Eventually the figure drops to the ground and the cheering people dance around it, deliver it kicks and carry some of the pieces that fell off in the process away.

The alien forces have conquered the capital city of the enemy and performed an age-old ritual that victors used to perform in the presence of the vanquished: Americans demolished the material symbol of the enemy’s sovereignty and by doing it they also humiliated the routed nation.

In the nineties of the 20th century we could all see angry Russians in Moscow, but also angry Poles in Warsaw and equally angry residents of other European capitals tearing down monuments from the communist era, especially those of Comrade Felix Dzerzhinsky, the notorious head of the Cheka (from: Всероссийская чрезвычайная комиссия, i.e. Vserossiyskaya chrezvychaynaya komissiya = The All-Russian Extraordinary Commission).

Since the dawn of history monuments would be put up and torn down. Either act reflected a huge political, social, religious or demographic change. Monuments are erected by common consent of the majority of a given (national, social, religious, political) community, in which case they are wanted as a tribute to or a memory of the community’s most cherished heroes or values, or they are enforced by occupying forces, in which case they are hated by those against whose will they have been put up.

Monuments are only desecrated, defaced, toppled or destroyed by the enemies of those who built them. Americans in Iraq and a part of Iraqi nation was against Saddam Hussein; a rather large part of the Russian nation nurtured bitter memories concerning the henchmen of their ancestors like Felix Dzerzhinsky, so they vented their anger on his images the moment an opportunity presented itself. The divide between those who put up the monuments and those who hated the sight of them was in each case insurmountable. What was dear to the former, was abhorrent to the latter.

Recently a huge wave of monument desecration and monument removal has swept the United States and to a much lesser extent Europe. It is mostly the heroes of the American South – generals of the Army of the Confederate States – that are targeted, but not only. Also abolitionists, fighters for American independence of other nationalities, Christian missionaries and even Jesus Christ himself. John Wayne may not be spared the same fate either so much so that a monument to a Portland elk – his ancestor was presumably a slave owner and the elk – a confirmed racist – fell victim to the rage of American iconoclasts.

If Americans torch their national flag, then US needs no enemies.

All this is taking place amid riots caused by the death of a frequent prison inmate who was caught by the police while suspected of paying with counterfeit money. The activists of the Black Lives Matter movement, supported by Antifa and heavily sponsored by the powers that be and spurned on by the democrats performed the usual acts of protest: burning cars and looting shops. This time two qualitatively new elements have been added: one is the toppling or desecration of monuments and the other is forcing the police officers to kneel to the rioters. All this is happening because it is wanted by at least a significant part of the establishment, democrats in the first place, who having failed to impeach Donald Trump, having stopped America’s and the world’s economies due to the so called pandemic now are playing another trump card in yet another effort to thwart the president incumbent from being elected for the second term.

Shamelessness as a revolutionary act (which see)

The democrats have decided to use American blacks to create chaos and make a distressing impression on US citizens who should come to the conclusion that Donald Trump is not capable of running the country. History provides ample examples when a part of the elites willing to topple the current ruler would resort to the help of the masses in order to force the ruler’s abdication or resignation. Such was the case in France in the run-up to the French Revolution, such was the case in Russia in the run-up to the Russian revolution. In France it was the so-called third class that was used for the purpose, in Russia it was the proletariat, now in the United States it is the easily excitable blacks. History teaches us that a genie let out of the bottle cannot be put back at a moment’s notice. Either the democrats have not been attentive during their history classes or their hatred of Donald Trump is so intense that they don’t care.

What a splendid alliance!
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Счастливого Прайда!

If you have thought that an embassy is a kind of an important office, an outpost of one country on the territory of another, an office, where important problems that concern the two countries and often divide them are solved, where diplomatic communication takes place, where people behave businesslike without attracting undue media attention, if you have thought something along these lines, you’d better reconsider.

In June the American embassy in Moscow flew the rainbow flag for all Muscovites to see, whereas the American ambassador recorded an address to Russians and especially LGTB Russians, ensuring them of America’s support of human rights, with the rights of the said community being their essential part. The speech, delivered in English and provided with Russian subtitles, ended with warm wishes of a happy pride writ large; in the Russian translation the word pride remained pride, spelt in Cyrillic.

Source: US Embassy in Russia.

Two days later the United Kingdom’s embassy followed suit and hoisted the same flag. The transatlantic establishment has made a statement and sent a signal to its Russian partisans what paths they are expected to follow, what activities to undertake. The followers include people with dual citizenship, businessmen with accounts in Western banks, people who have property in the West and the Russian intelligentsia who is addicted to Western grants, awards, invitations to hold lectures and the excitement of having their publications in Western journals. Continue reading