Without the organised mass-migration all Western and Eastern populations are in full demographic decline, and before this century comes to an end the most productive and consumptive societies will shrink by 60%. The US and European populations only keep growing because unprecedented and ever-rising numbers of migrants arrive annually. This is no conspiracy but a mathematical fact. In Japan, a country that keeps its borders closed, oil consumption has dropped by a staggering 25% since 2000.As a consequence of the inevitable depopulation of the industrialised world oil consumption will fall by at least more than 40 mln barrels a day shortly.
To keep oil consumption at high levels, it is in the interest of the Saudis to repopulate Europe and the US with men and women from Central Asia and Africa. Professor Bryan Caplan argued in The Economist that labour is the world’s most valuable commodity and its value depends on location. Western societies are more structured and organised than their Mexican or Nigerian counterparts, and unskilled workers will be more productive in a factory in Germany or a farm in the USA than in AfricaThe Wall Street speculator George Soros explained that Europe should accept 500.000 migrants annually and finance this with public debt.He realizes that a 60% drop in the European population will decrease consumption by the same amount. Depopulation will cripple world consumption and will slash world oil demand by at least one third. Continue reading