Ukraine Collapse Is Now Imminent

PoroshenkoTwo years have passed since Yanukovich was deposed and, as it turns out, another ruthless clan of oligarchs has taken power. No wonder then that Ukraine is heading for a new wave of violence and chaos. Oligarchs are fighting each other, the IMF is pulling out of the country, officials issue laws and regulations only to see them repealed within a day or two by others, and raided European companies are leaving the country after being robbed by the so-called pro-Brussels oligarchic elite. Continue reading

How to lose money with oil investments: ETFs and ETNs

IFPRI -IMAGESWith oil price around 30 dollars per barrel, it seems obvious that the price can not go down much further. It looks like a no-brainer,  price of oil will go up somewhere in the future.
The so-called experts predict a sustainable oil price of 60 dollars or more somewhere between now and five years. Investing in oil at 30 dollars per barrel looks a guaranteed winning strategy. If oil price reached 60 dollars a barrel, your investment doubles in 5 years, returning an annual yield of 15%. This yield would even be much better if you can leverage your investment. Continue reading

Brexit!? France and Germany cannot wait

MerkelCameronIf London decides to leave the European Union nobody in Europe will even notice. Great Britain is an entirely separate country, isolated from the European Union and does not participate in the Euro or Schengen Agreement. The European Union as a political platform is disintegrating and becoming more and more irrelevant and will be displaced by the European Monetary Union (EMU).
The center of power in Europe has shifted from the EU to the EMU and London politicians are fully aware of it. Continue reading

Smaller oil producers, first in line to be wiped out

Saudi Arabia and Russia decided on Tuesday 16th February to maintain their oil output at the January levels if others follow suit. Paradoxically it was not good news for the market. Investors wrongly expected from Doha talks some oil production cuts because there will not be any cutting without losers. With the output frozen at the oversupply levels or, to put it otherwise, with the continued oil war, the next potential victim is not the US shale oil industry but emerging markets affected by low oil prices and high cost wells.trololo

Since the announcement from Saudi Oil Minister Ali Al-Naimi and Russian Energy Minster Alexander Novak is not going to help the industry, it could only maintain the status quo, the oil price will not rebound. The reason is that the oil production of Saudi Arabia and Russia has not grown much in recent years and so these countries are not responsible for the oil price collapse. It is not Saudi Aramco that has flooded the world with oil, as you can hear from or read in the mainstream news, but the USA and its shale oil industry. Smaller, weaker and poorer producers will feel the effects of the war most severely.
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Retail Oil Investors get Burned

burningoilLast month we saw the iPath S&P GSCI Crude Oil ETN (USA) making an unusual dive, doing completely the opposite of what it was designed to do. Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) and Exchange Traded Notes (ETN) are mainly designed to follow an index. To explain the basic principles of an ETF real quick, we take the AEX index as an example. The AEX is formed out of 25 funds each with their own weighing. The ETF issuer buys the shares of the companies according to their weighing in the AEX index. One is able to track the index pretty accurately this way. The ETF issuer buys it on a big scale and sells shares of their basket of AEX shares. The share that they are selling are called ETFs. The difference between an ETF and an ETN is the fact that the ETN is a note. The problem is the third party risk, with an ETN you’re facing the risk of the issuing party going bankrupt. If they do, the chances are that you will lose your money. Continue reading

The Bad News Keeps on Coming


We have not yet forgotten the last financial crisis, we are still licking the wounds of the European debt crisis, and the next one is already in progress. Deutsche Bank troubles have dominated news this week, however, it is not the end of bad tidings. Such a lot terrible economic news, in barely a few days is not a coincidence. Something really bad has just started!

It was not only Deutsche Bank that has brought some grim news recently. It is also the industrial data from Germany, a looming wave of bankruptcies of energy companies and a rising probability of recession. Financial markets, including Goldman Sachs, are acting nervously. And we cannot forget about China’s slowdown, the crash of commodity prices and a falling trade. If you think you still have good prospects, you had better look around. Continue reading

Did Mr Orban blaze the trail?

SeehoferMerkelHorst Seehofer, Bavarian CSU prime minister, paid a visit to Moscow at the invitation of Mayor Sergey Sobyanin, where he held talks with President Putin. Though the talks centered around fostering cultural and economic relations between Russia and Bavaria, (Bavaria accounts for 20 percent of all Russian-German economic ties with fifty percent of Germany’s investment projects in Russia being of Bavarian origin1) and building up mutual trust in solving the Ukrainian and Syrian conflicts2, Berlin did not seem to be pleased. Continue reading