Gefira #49 The Great Reset

Gefira 49 looks forward to the coming year. What will it be like? Will there be no end to the pandemic? Are we going to have a third wave or will we be saved by the vaccine? The effects of the measures taken by various authorities worldwide and occasioned by the virus are comparable to the aftermath of a war: flagging economy, large-scale structural unemployment, lingering uncertainty, and a sense of growing insecurity. As usual, we hear that the world will not be the same, that we will wake up in a reality much different to what we have been used to. Governments are not trying to calm us down; rather, they have been whipping up anxiety and frenzy. Why?

There are big, supranational players that have seized the opportunity and are quite open about creating a new world for us. They are intent on introducing a new type of capitalism, they are boasting about “building back better”, they are painting a rosy future with the aid of all the technological devices and scientific solutions that have been advanced and accumulated recently. Will this world be still human or already transhuman? We are promised to be participating in a grand vision of making everyone happy. Have we not heard it before? We are told we need to save the planet and make our economy sustainable. Everything must be sustainable and all goods universally accessible. And pretty soon! It is a breath-taking vision of serenity and satiety outlined for us by our benefactors. Is it not too good to be true? One almost feels tempted to say: May God defend us from our friends: we can defend ourselves from our enemies.


Gefira Financial Bulletin #49 is available now

  • The Great Reset
  • The world after the Corona pandemic
  • Stakeholder capitalism or a new face of communism
  • The birth of a new religion

Rape, crime ring and occult financing : Why Time magazine is wrong about Assa Traoré?

Author Gallia Daily – Voice of France

In December 2020, the American newspaper “Time” made Assa Traoré, a Malian living in France, the spokesperson and symbol of the global anti-racist struggle.

Assa Traoré is the sister of Adama Traoré, who died in 2016 while in police custody. Since that day, the man’s sister has been claiming that he was killed by systemic racism and police violence. She thus launched a movement similar to Black Lives Matter, the “Adama Committee” (Comité Adama)

The story sounds beautiful… The story of a strong African woman who resists the racist white French state in the name of her brother’s memory… Yet, the reality is much darker and “Time” has fallen into the trap.

Let us return to the Traoré affair, the death of the brother and the false fight of the sister. Gallia Daily will tell you everything.

1) Who was Adama Traoré?

Adama Traoré was a black Malian living in France. He was overweight and suffered from a serious disease, Sickle Cell Disease. (source)

He has been convicted several times of drug trafficking and money extortion from vulnerable people (elderly, disabled persons). He was known to the police for his violent behaviour and had a pronounced drug addiction. (source)

While in prison, he repeatedly raped another man, a fragile inmate with psychological problems. In particular, Adama Traoré forced the detainee to perform fellatio on him. (source).

2) Who is the Traoré family?

The Traoré family is a family of Muslim Malians. They come from the province of Kayes, Mali, where the Traore family held high office (governor). The family belongs to the Soninke ethnic group, particularly known for having been at the heart of an important slave trade: it was the Soninke nobles who rounded up members of other ethnic groups to sell them to slave traders. Some Soninke nobles still practice slavery. (source)

The family’s record in France is no more glorious: the family is polygamous, according to Muslim tradition, and therefore has many children. Most of them have already been convicted of violence and drug trafficking. Cumulatively, they have spent nearly 100 months in prison. Recently, Adama Traoré’s brother, for example, was again sentenced to 4 years in prison. And at the time of writing these lines, Adama Traoré’s other brother has just died during a chase after a motorcycle theft. (source 1 ; source 2 ; source 3)

We are therefore dealing with a family from an ethnic group that practices slavery in Mali and is at the heart of an organized crime network in France. Continue reading

The downfall of a tradition: Black Pete – Zwarte Piet

Author: The President
The Dutch original follows the English translation.

As a young boy, Sinterklaas Eve on December 5, the eve of his birthday, was pretty much the most exciting day of the year. Good children got presents from Sinterklaas, bad children could be punished by Zwarte Piet by getting blows with the rod. In case of serious misconduct you could even be transported to Spain in Black Pete’s bag. Recently, Sinterklaas apologized for this on national television. Hopefully, the future 2030 Saint (pictured below) will prove just as forgiving to sinful children.

We would put our shoe by the stove for weeks in advance and every morning I would sneak down to see if Pete had dropped by. He would reportedly come down the chimney to put some candy in. Sometimes I would put a carrot in the shoe for Santa’s horse.

On that particular night I would sit in the room with my parents, waiting for Sinterklaas to visit. The tension was unbearable. The moment I heard a knock on the window and I would crawl into the corner of the sofa with fright. The tension was not over. Sinterklaas and Piet would make us wait at least a further 10 minutes. Eventually, they would come in and with awe I would look up at Saint Nicholas and with due respect I would keep my distance from Piet. In the end it usually turned out that my sins were not too bad, so Piet would start handing out candy and eventually a gift in the name of Saint Nicholas. The Saint usually appeared as an old, dignified gentleman who was mentally no longer completely there while Piet acted as his right-hand man who would help the somewhat dull Saint. The Saint did not seem to be able to make it on his own and gratefully relied on his helper.

And let’s face it. Black Pete eventually had to do all the logistical work. It is clear that without Pete we could forget about our candy and presents. In the end we had nothing but awe and respect for Black Petes.

Now that I am much older, that picture appears to be incorrect if we are to believe the colored non-European immigrants. In our guests opinion Black Pete is an expression of racism. Neither I nor my parents had any notion of this in my childhood. So it is not surprising that we now experience this as insulting and find it strange to have to integrate into our own country.

That traditions slowly change is true of all times and places and the fact in itself is not a problem either. It is the way in which it happens that is bad. It is also strange that immigrants of color do not want to be associated with some of the best-oiled distribution network out there. Even more astonishing is the criticism when one considers that Zwarte Piet has been allowed to beat young white children for decades without ending up in jail!

The parallels between Sinterklaas and his Piet and contemporary society are abundantly clear. The original population is aging rapidly and can be compared with the older, somewhat senile, generous Saint Nicholas. The young immigrants are comparable to, according to legend, Moorish Black Petes. The Moors were a North African Berber tribe and therefore Muslim.

The comparison becomes even clearer when one considers that our Western societies have been playing Santa Claus for its citizens and immigrants for years. Guess who is currently delivering the gifts ordered by the Internet, either for one’s self or others. These are predominantly the colored Muslim immigrants in their vans. In any case, it all fits nicely in with the vision of our political elite about how our society should develop.

All these discussions in recent years have de facto killed the Sinterklaas tradition. Most retailers are already skipping the whole celebration in favor of Christmas.

The downfall of a tradition: Black Pete – Zwarte Piet

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Gefira #48 Western Europe to become a Third World subcontinent

The November issue of Gefira takes a closer look at France’s changing ethnic composition which already translates into the country’s economy, its welfare system, the cohesiveness of society, internal tensions and problems of “systemic racism” unknown to any previous generations. The knowledge of the racial makeup is barred from an average inquirer; yet, what one man wants to hide, the other is certain to uncover in one way or another. Thus, though the French law forbids tallying the racial, ethnic or religious percentage of the Republic’s citizenry, the number of Muslim names and especially the sickle cell disease testing which is administered to risk – i.e. Third World – population cohorts not to mention everyday experience – the visual survey of the inhabitants of towns and cities plus sportsmen representing France – provide factual information in this respect. Besides, the European Union – and France is one of the two pillars of it – makes no bones about it: resettlement from the Third World to Europe ranks among its most ambitious projects and as such it is well under way. Unless the current course is reversed, France’s as well as Germany’s, Great Britain’s or Sweden’s destinies are sealed. Beyond 2050 the Western world is going to be a part of the Third World with its population resembling that of India or Mexico. The France of 2050 will be to the France of 1950 what the Turkish Empire was to the Byzantine Empire.

Similarly profound changes are taking place in the world of finances. Modern Money Theory is replacing both the Austrian School of Economics and the Keynesian economic principles. What does MMT advocate? It advocates money creation and spending without regard for the hitherto binding controls along with the non-observance of anything that classical economists held as canon rules. Hence quantitative easing and negative interest rates. Since money is no longer pegged to gold, everything is allowable. The be-all and end-all of the MMT approach is to maintain and possibly advance growth, that fetish of present-day economists. Such financial policy requires an ever stricter surveillance over the amount of money, which is going to be made easier by the introduction of digital money as the only means of exchange. We are in for it. One might be well-advised to already say goodbye to banknotes and coins. Everybody’s finances – for want of any other means by necessity handled in an electronic way – will be made plain to see for the masters of the world who will be able to gain an insight into our pecuniary settlements via powerful computer systems without leaving their offices. A carrot bought or sold in a village miles off the beaten track will not escape the notice of the powers that be unless… unless people revert to barter. What a world to live in!


Gefira Financial Bulletin #48 is available now

  • Western Europe to become a Third World subcontinent
  • France is a Muslim country
  • Insurmountable caste system
  • We are guinea pigs for central bankers

Illegal immigration into Europe continues #alwaysandeverywhere

We collected TikTok videos from 2019 and 2020. Thanks to Open Source Intelligence – OSINT – we gain an insight into the influx of Africans and Central Asians to Europe. During the 2015 immigration crisis, 1.2 million people applied for asylum in Europe. In 2017, the number of asylum applications decreased by 50%. The influx remains high and keeps increasing. In 2010, 185,000 asylum applications were registered, in 2019, this number reached 613,000. Covid-19 has only stopped registration: the influx continues.


Young North African males cross the Mediterranean by boat on their way to Europe. Moroccans regularly arrive on the Spanish beaches. It is unknown whether they are registered as refugees. The Italian Island of Lampedusa accommodates new arrivals from Tunisia and Libya. In order to relieve the island, large groups of Africans are regularly shipped to mainland Europe. NGOs – such as Spanish Open Arms – are also active in the Mediterranean. Not only do rubber dinghies but also pleasure yachts packed with people leave Turkey for the Greek islands and Italy.

As in 2015, so in 2020, thousands of young men will be making their way through Greece, Serbia and Bosnia to Western Europe. Remarkably, the Western media are silent about it. The Pakistanis or Afghans that we have encountered on social media travelled to Bosnia via Iran, Turkey, Greece, Macedonia and Serbia.

Turkey buses immigrants to the Greek border to destabilise Europe. Iran takes interest in a large Islamic underclass in Europe. The Serbian authorities are directing the immigrants towards Bosnia. Serbs in Bosnia transport the Asians to Bihać, a Muslim town in Bosnia. In Bihać, which is close to the border with Croatia, the men are taken care of in big camps. The presence of large groups of Pakistanis and Afghans leads to mounting tension between the arrivals and the local population. It is estimated that between 30,000 and 50,000 Afghan and Pakistani men take up temporary residence on the Croatian border. If the number of people is large enough, they will eventually forcibly cross the border with Croatia. Some of the immigrants show little patience. Thousands of Muslim men make their way through mountains and forests into the Schengen Area. Europe’s external borders – except the frontier between Hungary and Serbia – are poorly guarded and Frontex is hardly present. Once in the Schengen Area, the immigrants continue unhindered to France, Germany or the Netherlands. Continue reading

Turkey builds a parallel State in Europe through its religious organisations

First Published May 2018

Turkish increasing influence and power over the Turks and the Muslims in Europe is the single most imminent threat to European security

The European establishment is looking the other way, while the Turks are slowly increasing their foothold in Europe. the EU prefers to mock Putin rather than confront Tayyip Erdoğan and the AKP. Meanwhile the Turkish state and especially its ministry of the religious affairs uses the Turkish diaspora in Europe to acquire political power on the continent. There is no separation between state and religion in Turkey. The religious organization Diyanet that operates under the Turkish ministry of religious affairs has about 2000 outposts in Europe. The Gefira team located about 1300 of them, mostly mosques. There is no other political or religious organization in Europe with leaders from outside it that has such a widespread network across the European Union, and whose ideology is alien to the native Europeans.

Diyanet in Europe.

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