It is as official as official can be: Europe is to undergo a big resettlement programme. Those who warned of it years ago, pointing to Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi’s infamous Praktischer Idealismus, where future Europeans are described as people of racially mixed carnation and appearance, cannot any longer be accused of following conspiracy theories.Lo and behold on September 23, 2020, the European Commission issued its recommendation on legal pathways promoting resettlement (also referred to as humanitarian admission – the commissioners just love such high-brow tags!) to the EU.It is made plain and clear: what we have been witnessing recently are not extraordinary, chance events but a large-scale action whose aim it is to move huge numbers of Third World people to the Old Continent.
The cited document calls on the Member States to:
[1] participate in and promote international resettlement by offering legal pathways and safe channels to the Union,
[2] submit annual resettlement pledges (i.e. number of people that can be admitted),
[3] encourage and mobilize more actors for this purpose and these include private sponsors, groups of private individuals or non-profit organizations,
[4] create welcoming and inclusive societies,
[5] design dedicated and effective integration and social programmes for resettled persons,
[6] promote family reunification (i.e. automatically multiply the number of resettled people by an order of magnitude), and
[7] ensure continuity and renewed growth of resettlement operations, expand the number of admission places, and guarantee the rapid arrival.